wine Newsletter


August 29 2006 Wine Newsletter


Millenia ago St. Paul advised in 1 Timothy 5:23 (New International Version),
"Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses."

It turns out that wine may not only be better for inside the stomach, but assist in keeping our waistlines slim. New research indicates wine drinkers tend to eat healthier foods compared to beer drinkers. The grocery shopping habits of beer and winer drinkers were compared, included snacks. Wine drinkers tended to snack on items such as fruit, cheese, and bread. Beer drinkers bought more salty and sugary snack items. Other differences in the grocery cart were also present.

There is much speculation about socio-economic groups, education levels, etc. This smacks a bit of snobbery and presumptions about beer drinkers (Note: I don't like beer and maybe have a once-a-year beer to be polite.) The good news for wine drinkers is that, in addition to the other health benefits of wine, our swimsuits will look even better.

Here's the latest article from the Wine site at

Great Wine Bargains From Chile
Many wine lovers don´t want to spend big money on every day wine. Others can´t afford to pull the cork on an expensive French wine. Where can they turn for good quality with low a price tag? To the wines of Chile!

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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

To your health!

Paula S.W. Laurita, Wine Editor

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