Forgiveness Set Me Free To Dance

Forgiveness Set Me Free To Dance
"I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you freeï" (Isaiah 44:22).

I wanted to sue. Somebody (the perpetrator, the City, the County, the Prosecutor) was going to pay for the injustices that had been done to me! My life was turned upside down by lies, false charges, phony witnesses, and fictitious evidence. My thoughts were consumed with hurt, disbelief, and revenge. I wondered, "What could I do to prove my innocence and put my life back together?"

But, it was not until I read Habakkuk 2:1-3 when things began to change for me, "I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint." Through tears of frustration and confusion, I learned to wait on the Lord to bring justice because there was nothing that I could do to prove anything to anyone.

This revelation forced me into deep prayer, confession and study. I meditated on Job and his trials. I studied Biblical men who were unfairly accused and arrested like Jonathon, John the Baptist, Paul and Silas. In the forefront of my thoughts, I kept the fact that Jesus never said a mumbling word, never complained, and was completely sin-free; yet, He was tortured, imprisoned, and murdered unjustly. I remembered the times when I was the discriminating accuser of others and unreasonably pointing my finger at the possible innocent. I praised God for granting me mercy when I cried out for forgiveness and received it. Then, I prayed for the grace to extend forgiveness to the ones who caused me so much harm.

My prayer was answered. I forgave and forgot. I chose to release the burden of revenge, agony, and sorrow to God. And, guess what? I left it there. I decided to dance in the rain and learn everything that God wanted me to learn in the midst of my storm. When I relied on the Lord, He relieved me from torment, and restored me to usefulness (Dr. Tom Elliff).

He re-choreographed my life into a dance that glorifies Him. He reignited my passion to write. He provided me with a career that I love. My family was restored to wholeness. Women have been referred to me to hear a message of hope and healing. And, I am continuing to grow strong in the Lord as He draws me nearer to Him. Not to mention, all of the false charges were dropped without prejudice, my debt was erased and soul ties were unknotted.

I had to forgive otherwise I would have remained imprisoned by my circumstances. Things transformed when I forgave and prayed for my enemies. Once the ache of self pity and demand for chastisement were handed over to God, my steps became ordered by Him. Thank you, Father, for freeing me for "a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance"(Ecclesiastes 3:4).

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