Culture Shift

Culture Shift
In one way or another, Christianity has been under attack from the time of its inception. During the time of Jesus, there were those among the Pharisees who disputed many of Jesus’ miracles or that the events surrounding his crucifixion and resurrection were real. Throughout the ages, other religions and Christianity have been at odds. Cultures and civilizations have either embraced or vehemently fought the colonization which ensued after the arrival of missionaries.

An oversimplification would state that these differences were more of a jurisdictional nature: each group was fighting to retain or gain control of people groups and territories. Today; however, Christianity is under attack by politicians and people who possess a social agenda. The Christian faith—once boldly lived—is under attack by a society that wishes not to offend anyone. Accordingly, Christian values are diluted or re-interpreted to be more socially friendly. Churches who still speak the truth are labeled “militant”. Due to new judicial changes, pastors now often find themselves in jeopardy of being sued for offending someone by preaching the gospel.

Jesus never promised his followers an easy life. Rather, in Matthew 16:24 (KJV) Jesus states, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Deny himself. Today's culture is very "self" centered. People are very materialistic. Delayed gratification is not popular. Imagine telling everyone to divest of their material goods...give to the poor...deny their habits and desires...all in order to follow a man who promises eternal life. How many people in today's society would be willing to deny themselves and take up their crosses to follow Jesus? It is time for Christians to take a stand….to decide if a fleeting earthly life is more important than an eternal heavenly life.

In his book, Culture Shift: The Battle for the Moral Heart of America, Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. tackles issues such as abortion, the agenda of secular education and the traditional nuclear family, Christian morality and public law, and many others. Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, utilizes several scholarly and popular works to advance sound Christian theological arguments. At times a bit dry and scholarly, persevere. Culture Shift presents an eye-opening view to many of the areas where we have become complacent. It’s well worth the read.

Culture Shift is available from online retailers such as

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Multnomah in exchange for a fair review. Compensation was not exchanged.

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