Bust Stress Wide Open with Essential Oils!

Bust Stress Wide Open with Essential Oils!
Have you been lacking motivation, or feeling apathetic and withdrawn? It happens this time of year, the holiday season that is. Not everyone has family and friends to experience the comfort and joy of the season. It can often bring about depression and self pity, causing you to really slip into a slump.

Essential oils are known to help lift one’s spirit and alter one’s mood. Have you ever tried and/or experienced the beauty of essential oils? Have you ever tried your had at making a potion just for you? You can give your soul an empowering boost from these well-known essential oils:

  • Bay leaves (laurus nobilis): The essence of glory and victory, it will ignite your inner fire!
  • Rosemary (rosemarisnus officinalis - 1,8 cineole): Builds confidence and inner strength.
  • Peppermint (mentha piperita): Provides an immediate boost of assurance.

These oils are also known to lift your mood and spirit, allowing you to move about with ease and joy. Prepare the recipe below or create your own blend using the oils above. With the blend, anoint your third chakra, which is the center of the self and empowers us, calms our fears, and connects us to outside world.

Here’s an aromatherapy recipe to empower yourself using the above mentioned oils:
In a 10-ml bottle, pour the essential oils first and then add an organic vegetable oil to fill:

  • 7 drops of Rosemary (rosemarisnus officinalis - 1,8 cineole)
  • 6 drops of Bay leaves (laurus nobilis
  • 5 drops of Peppermint (menthe piperita) )

A study of essential oils will provide you with some knowledge of how they work, how they’re used in the world of scent and how to use them as alternative solutions when you don’t want to use synthetics or drugs.

Not only will this blend work well as a natural perfume, it will work just as good when you add a few drops to a cup of sea salt.

By the way, you use these same herbs when cooking, for some, this is an even more appealing way to experience, essential oil.

Unleash your inner power today! That’s it for this week,!

Life Never Smelled So Sweet!

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