How to move from Manager to Leader

How to move from Manager to Leader
Believe it or not, there are managers who do not make good leaders. Why? Managers manage processes and managing people is entirely different. Even the task of managing people does not automatically make you a leader. Moving from a good manager to a great leader is not always easy. There are, however, steps you can take to make the leap from manager to leader.

You know every one of your employee's tasks. You praise employees and make sure they are not overwhelmed with work. You stand guard protecting your employees from the higher ups. Still seems simple doesn’t it? In the real world it takes more than helping your employees complete their tasks in order to be a good leader. It requires leadership skills to move your employee's attitudes and behavior from simple mediocre performance to a willingness to go above and beyond. Here are a few behaviors for you to try:

Remain upbeat and positive. Ask anyone what one line they remember from the movie Remember the Titans and they will tell you – “Attitude reflects leadership.” A positive attitude is infectious.

Work hard, but take pleasure in the work you do. Complaining or walking around with a sour expression is also infectious. Find something you enjoy about your job and employees will follow your lead.

Remember your customers whether internal or external. Take pride in the work you perform. Your actions make it easier for others around you to accomplish what they need to do. Don’t be a bottleneck in the process.

Take sole responsibilities for failures. When things go wrong, clients don't want to hear about who is at fault, they want the problem fixed. Accept responsibility for the error and fix the problem. Don’t point fingers. Does this mean you never address the issue with the guilt party? No. Training and development is all part of the package. Show them what they did wrong so the same mistake, hopefully, does not happen again. Customers may not have a high opinion of the company, however; they will remember the name of the person who helped solve their nightmare. How you handle the crisis without passing the blame will gain respect in the eyes of your employees.

It goes without saying that managers don’t always know how to do every job their employees do, but when it comes to certain tasks, take a hands on approach to show you are a team player. For example, having an office party? Stick around and help clean up afterwards.

When it comes to being a good manager it seems so simple, do what you do well logically, you will make a great manager. It’s important to remember; however, not all great managers translate into great leaders. It’s time to take the next step and become a great leader.

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