
Un-Go is an anime series produced by the Bones animation studio, and it is based on the works of writer Ango Sakaguchi.

Un-Go is set in a futuristic Japan that has dealt with war and numerous terrorist attacks. The main character of the series is a detective named Shinjuro Yuki, who solves cases with his partner, Inga. Inga usually takes on the form of a young boy, but will transform into her true form (which is of a busty woman). When Inga is in her true form, she eats the souls of people to force them to honestly answer questions. This, combined with Shinjuro's keen insight for mysteries, helps them discover the truth of a crime.

Rinroku Kaishou is a well-known detective, who monitors crime scenes from his home through a computer set-up. Even though Shinjuro actually solves the crimes, he lets Rinroku take the credit and "rewrite" the solution to crimes. By doing this, Shinjuro has acquired the nickname "The Defeated Detective."

The animation in Un-Go looks a bit similar to other series I have seen come out of Japan during 2012. It's not to say the animation is bad, because it isn't; unfortunately, there's not a lot to make it stand out from other anime series that have been produced since 2011.

After watching Un-Go, I thought it felt like it was a Case Closed-type series being aimed at an older audience. Both series have a detective claiming credit for solving cases that someone else actually solved; however, Detective Mori in Case Closed doesn't re-write the solution in order to create a different scenario. Also, Detective Mori doesn't realize that he's actually taking credit for someone else's work, since Conan always knocks him out and uses the bow-tie voice changer to sound like Richard in order to fool everyone into thinking it's Mori solving the case.

From what I saw, Un-Go didn't seem to have much more violence than Case Closed. However, due to other aspects of the series, I would personally recommend Un-Go to anime viewers who are 15 or 16 years of age and older.

Release Year(s)
N.A. Licensor
Un-Go112011Seiji MizushimaBonesSentai Filmworks
Un-Go Episode:0 Inga Chapter12011Seiji MizushimaBonesSentai Filmworks

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