
Lunaria annua (biennis)
Honesty is a much loved old English garden plant, being planted in English gardens since medieval times and even mentioned by Chaucer.

Also known as Silver dollar, Silver Penny, Money flower, Silver Plate, Moon flower, White satin flower, Pricke-sangwoort or Penny flower.

It has lovely heads of sweetly scented purple blooms and flowers over many weeks in the spring to early summer.
These look gorgeous in a vase, but don't pick too many, leave some as the seed pods develop into translucent shining discs of silver.

Bees and butterflies adore the nectar, for more info on plants to attract butterflies and bees click here.

Honesty is a fast growing biennial (this means you sow the seed one year and it flowers the next) that can be sown in May or June and planted out in September where you want it to flower.
It will grow up to 30 inches.

Honesty prefers partial shade but will tolerate sun or shade so is easy to place in an English Garden.
Well drained soil is a must.
Self seeds readily.

After flowering the purplish green seed pods turn to silver, hence all its names.
Gather these seed heads before autumn sets in as the wind and rain will completely spoil them.

Air dry by placing in a vase or suitable container until totally dry.
They are lovely to have in the house in winter and placed in front of a window you will get a wonderful display as the light shines through the silver papery discs.

Enjoy your garden!

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Purple flowering perennials for an English Garden
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