Strange Arizona Laws

Strange Arizona Laws
Okay folks. This month we visit Arizona to look at some of the dumb and strange laws that are still on the books there. This should be fun.

As you probably know, it is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

I looked up the full text of the law that the site had and apparently the US Army experimented in the Arizona desert with camels but gave up on it and set them free. Now they are protected by the state.

If someone commits a crime that is considered a misdemeanor, that misdemeanor becomes a felony if the person committing said crime is wearing a red mask. There is nothing to explain this law.

If you live in Arizona and own donkeys, you better not let them sleep in the bathtub because this is a crime. Again, there is nothing to explain this law.

It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine in Arizona. There is a text explaining this law but it is very involved and lengthy but the gist of it is that it is illegal to make, distribute, or possess an imitation controlled substance and one of the penal laws states that there is no defense for anyone who thought it was a legitimate controlled substance, meaning if you make it, you cannot use the defense that you thought it was a legitimate controlled substance. The judge won’t buy your lies.

It is illegal in Arizona to refuse someone a glass of water. Now, this law is still active today because of the hot summers and some people cannot afford to buy a bottle of water, the homeless in particular so if any business refuses to give someone some water, they will be heavily fined. This is true especially of convenience stores.

If one is being attacked by a criminal or a burglar, that person can only defend themselves with the same type of weapon that criminal is using. That just means if the criminal accosts you with a knife, you cannot shoot him with a gun.

In Maricopa County Arizona, it is illegal for more than six girls to live in one house. Arizona meant for this law to crack down on brothels but did not take into consideration the cultural changes that would happen such as sorority houses being formed.

In Tempe, one cannot purchase spray paint under the age of eighteen. This has to do with graffiti according to the full text of the law.

In Tombstone, and this one has no text of the reasoning for the law but, it is illegal for men and women to have LESS than one tooth showing when smiling.

We will finish up in the city of Tucson where it is illegal for women to wear pants. No text given for the implementation of this law either.

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