Lost Universe

Lost Universe
Lost Universe is a shonen anime, which combines the elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and science fiction to tell its story. The series is based off of a series of light science fiction novels created by Hajime Kanzaka.

The series was dubbed and released by ADV Films in late 2001, and the dubbed version of Lost Universe aired on the International Channel from June 2003-January 2004. The series has also been dubbed into Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese. Lost Universe has also aired in Syria on Space Toon, where it found some success in Arabic speaking countries. On June 30, 2007, it was announced that Right Stuf acquired the U.S. license for Lost Universe.

Lost Universe takes place in the future, where the Nightmare Syndicate attempts to take over the universe any way that they can. They have Lost Ships at their disposal, which use psi-energy as their weapons; however, Kane Blueriver, our protagonist, stands in their way. Kane is a "trouble contractor," and has a Lost Ship called the Swordbreaker (which was handed down to him by his grandmother).

Kane is a good, yet stubborn man. He also wears a black cape (which he also acquired from his grandmother), and becomes very testy if anyone mocks it. Kane is accompanied by Canal Vorfeed, who is a green-haired human-like hologram that controls the Swordbreaker. If Kane angers Canal, however, she is likely to do something like threatening to shut off the life support system.

Kane and Canal are soon joined on their journey by Millennium "Millie" Feria Nocturne. In the first episode, she is trying to become the greatest detective in the world, but her plans are thwarted by Kane. Millie is also supposedly "the greatest cook in the universe," but she manages to destroy the kitchen every time she prepares a meal. However, Millie proves her worth to the group with her knowledge of arms use.

I have quite an appreciation for anime that includes science fiction themes, and I found that I enjoyed this program by the time I finished watching the first episode. While this particular anime utilizes a bit more humor than the other science fiction anime I normally watch, I thought that the humor in the series added to its appeal.

Personally, I would recommend Lost Universe to anime viewers who are 13 or 14 years of age and older.

Release Year(s)
N.A. Licensor
Lost Universe261998Takashi WatanabeE.G. FilmsNozomi Entertainment

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