Starting the Day off Right

Starting the Day off Right
Are you “waking up on the wrong side of the bed,” too often? Are you having a “bad day” because your morning got off to a rough start? Do you believe that the start of your day sets the tone for the rest of your day? If you answered yes to any of these questions then its time to start your day right.

Get a head start on your day by setting the tone the night before. Then, reconfirm the tone with a brilliant morning start. As a result, you will experience increased focus and awareness, enhanced problem solving, and heightened productivity. You will find that you are more aware of opportunities and better able to manifest your long-term goals.

Setting the tone tonight will mean clearing your mind of unnecessary concerns and creating focus for the next day thus, allowing the mind to properly process information and enjoy a good night’s rest.

1) Identify completed tasks. Start by getting today’s concerns off of your mind. Close out your busy mental responsibilities by marking-off completed tasks from today’s to-do-list. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and allow your mind to “empty the trash” of today’s concerns.

2) Create a new to-do-list for the next day. This allows your brain to shelve a task instead of storing the information on your mental dashboard. Now, your mental notation system can relax knowing that it will be reminded to deal with these tasks at a more convenient time.

3) Journal. Journaling allows you to release the emotions of the day and give recognition to all that has been learned. Express forgiveness for the things you feel you did wrong. Forgive others too. Just stating what has occurred throughout the day allows your brain to categorize things for future processing.

4) Give thanks for what you have received within the day and for the nighttime rest you are about to receive. Being grateful for what we have and what we experience allows us to recognize our opportunities. In addition, it produces a signal to the universe that we are ready for even greater fortune.

5) Express your long-term goals. Using visualization, see your long-term goals in high-definition, including all 5 senses, as if it is occurring now. This serves as a reminder of the destination you are manifesting, allowing the brain to recognize opportunities throughout the day and night.

6) Sleep tight. Getting a good night’s rest is invaluable. In addition to many other benefits, a good night’s sleep helps us to process our daily lessons and categorize our experiences. In other words, good sleep helps us formulate mental data for future problem solving.

Remember, you set the tone for the day to come each night, whether you mean to or not. So, if you have followed the steps above, you have gotten off to a great start. You will awaken refreshed and ready to tackle your new day. Now, you simply need to reconfirm your intentions.

Securing the tone of your day in the morning means settling into a mood or tone and pairing that with the your daily intentions.

7) Gently exercise. Start your day a little earlier to allow time to accept new possibilities. Just by doing a little bit of yoga, or stretching, you allow your mind to open to the day’s possibilities. With physical flexibility comes mental flexibility so, take advantage of this opportunity early in your day.

8) Meditate. Spend a moment in quiet contemplation. Morning meditation will allow you to decide how you would like to feel throughout the day. Which do you prefer, feeling happy, calm, peaceful, stable, decided, productive, and or balanced? Make your choice and settle into that feeling thus, setting the tone of the day.

9) Visualize. Using visualization, see yourself accomplishing important tasks throughout your day. Feel your previously set tone as you complete each task. Make your visualization real with senses of smell, sound and taste. Be certain to also feel a sense of satisfaction.

10) Recite affirmations. They should be short, concise, positive statements that guide your personal growth. Reciting affirmations serve as a gentle reminder, to your brain, of your intentions. Remember to relax into your pre-set tone.

Finally, enjoy the day.

With simple preparation, a great day is always available to you. By combining a good night’s rest with your expressed intentions and anticipations you allow the universe to design a wonderful day just for you.

As always, share the knowledge, because an office full of people that started out on the right side of the bed could be the happiest, most productive office ever!

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