From Purpose to Promise Driven Life

From Purpose to Promise Driven Life
Reading has always fueled my love of learning, provided an adventure, and given me hours of leisurely relaxation. It is with anticipation that I always look forward to receiving a new book. When the package comes in the mail, I regress to a Christmas morning childlike state. With gleeful eyes and fumbling hands, I anxiously tear open the package and stare as I turn the book over in my hands. It was with this same gleeful anticipation that I approached From Purpose To Promise Driven Life.

While waiting for the arrival of the book, I had viewed Dr. Therman E. Evans’ page and a corresponding page. Recommended by a reader of Christian Literature at Bella Online, the book held much promise for me. Upon initial inspection, I found that I liked the structure of the book. Contained inside, were blank note pages so that you could record pertinent chapter information. While unusual, I loved the idea. It made the book very user friendly and meant that Dr. Evans intended his readers to use it as a hands-on learning tool. The descriptions and reviews contained on the book jacket all pointed to an exciting book that promised a life changing event. The book billed itself as taking up where Rick Warren left off in The Purpose Driven Life. It promised to show you how to actually walk in God’s purpose for your life so that you could make a difference.

Unfortunately, I could not get past style issues. I enjoy all genres of books and can appreciate different writing styles, however, this book was difficult for me to read. I had a few other people read excerpts to get their opinions, and they agreed with me. Our consensus was that the book could have been made shorter if the author would have written in a more concise manner. Let/Permit/Allow me to demonstrate/show/tell you what I mean. If you are telling Mary that tomorrow is going to be a great/good/better day, then you would tell/voice/say/express blessings abound. See what I mean? Going back to view the video on Dr. Evan’s page, I realize that he wrote in the manner which he speaks. In his speech, he uses a lot of illustrations and descriptive phrases. Unfortunately, this was difficult to read. If you can get past this--I would recommend viewing his webpage--then, you would enjoy the book and find it a useful addition to your library.

From Purpose To Promise Drive Life, Therman E Evans, April 2009

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