Women of the Bible - The Persistent Widow

Women of the Bible - The Persistent Widow
This woman is featured in the Bible in Luke 18:1-8. We are told right away that this is a parable.A parable is a short allegorical story designed to convey a truth or moral lesson.

Since it is a parable, we know that this widow did not really exist although there were many widows in Jesus' time. They were powerless and among the most vulnerable in society. Many, who were without sons to take care of them would fall victim to thieves and other unscrupulous people.

The judge in the parable did not fear God, nor did he care about people. He did not live by the laws that govern righteous and moral conduct. But, the widow must have been strong. We know this because she was persistent. She kept going to the judge and asking for justice against an adversary. Even though judge did not care about her or about keeping God's laws, he finally gave her justice because he was afraid that she would wear him out with her persistence.

There are many widows in our time. There are also many powerless and vulnerable people. Any of us could be that widow. Have you felt helpless and alone, when facing trouble over which you have no control? Jesus told the disciples this parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

We know that our God is not like the judge in the parable. God loves His children. So, how much easier it should be to go to Him than to that unjust judge. As the parable says, those who pray (cry out day and night to Him), will see justice and quickly. He answers prayer!

At the end of this Bible passage there is a bonus thought. Jesus adds, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?" Jesus is coming back and when He does, will He find us faithfully waiting for Him or will we be caught off guard? Will we be doubting that He is listening to our prayers? Or will we be faithfully persistent?

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