Donna Zavoral’s Easy Grilled Zucchini Recipe

Donna Zavoral’s Easy Grilled Zucchini Recipe
Recently I flew an airline trip with a delightful Airbus Captain named Donna Zavoral, who was from Atlanta. I was gathering recipes for a zucchini article on BellaOnline, and Donna graciously shared the following recipe for the quickest and easiest zucchini recipe I have ever made. This luscious zucchini takes literally five minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to grill. With only three ingredients, even the most inexperienced cook can prepare it perfectly.

I wasn’t familiar with Dale’s Seasoning, so I looked it up on the internet and learned that it has been a staple in Southern homes for years, and is slowly becoming popular in other areas across the country. I have now found it at several of the grocery stores in my area, both local and national chains, and assume that it is probably in your area too. It can be found on the aisle near the Worcestershire sauce. This seasoning gives the zucchini a wonderful flavor; it is worth searching out. If you can’t find it, you can order it from their website, The website has lots of other recipes using this seasoning, so if you like the flavor as much as I do, there are several other good dishes you can use it in.

This zucchini is a perfect vegetable dish with grilled chicken or meats, and it is very attractive too. As you know, zucchini is a healthy vegetable, supplying folic acid, potassium, and vitamin A. It also contains manganese, which is said to activate the body’s fat burning enzymes, resulting in a faster metabolism. However, the big bonus with this recipe is that it has only 25 calories per serving and only 1 gram of fat (most of the olive oil runs off of the zucchini and stays in the Ziploc bag).

I used my gas grill to prepare this recipe, but I’m sure it would work equally well in a George Foreman type grill in the kitchen if you weren’t planning to heat up the grill.
6 Servings

4 medium zucchini, under 10" long
2 tablespoons Dale's Seasoning
2 tablespoons olive oil

Slice the zucchini lengthwise into 1/3-1/2" slices. Place them in a large Ziploc bag with the Dale's Seasoning and olive oil. Seal the bag and shake it to distribute the seasoning and olive oil. Immediately remove the zucchini from the bag to a heated grill; it should not marinate since the flavor will be too strong. Grill about five minutes on each side. Serve immediately.

You Should Also Read:
Quick and Easy Zucchini Recipes

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