Mis-Educated Christians

Mis-Educated Christians
On college and university campuses across the nation, the children we raised to revere and honor God are systematically forced to destroy the foundation of the Word in their hearts. Any semblance of a Christian/Biblical worldview is deemed unintelligent, uneducated, and/or fairytale-ish. Students are literally coerced into choosing between the promise of a college education and a faith that has never really been made real to them in the first place.

Therefore, how can we expect young impressionable minds to grapple with evolutionary thought, humanism, and world religions when they are bombarded with the doctrine of tolerance and/or socioreligious hybridism in every class from anthropology to exercise science? Following are quotes made by different college professors within the classroom setting for freshmen and sophomore students: “The existence of God cannot be proven through science;” “Culture gives life meaning, otherwise we wouldn’t know what life is all about;” “Evolution is the only explanation for the diversity of species;” “If God is all powerful, then he can change the results of an experiment. Therefore, God has no place in science;” and, “The reason anthropologists study primates is to understand human behavior [because] they are our closest relatives.” In fact, on a homework worksheet that was assigned on the first day of a biology class to determine what science can and cannot study, God was in the same category as ghosts, unicorns, Santa Claus, and love.

It is no wonder that 70-88% of students from “Christian” homes deny their faith before graduation from college (barna.org). After being away from the world of academia for several years, I can now understand the inner turmoil Christian young adults go through as they navigate their way through institutions of higher learning. In order to be taken seriously by peers, to earn an A, or to complete the highest degree possible, requires a compromise in their belief about God and Christ which results in a contorted Christianity if any Christianity at all.

As a result, this new worldview reshapes their ethics, life decisions, values, self-identity, and behavior. For this reason, it is imperative that students immerse themselves with Christian friends, find a temporary church home, on-campus Bible study groups, and participate in Christian service organizations. This will help them develop the resolve and discernment to live life without compromise, to live in light of God’s total, absolute truth so that He gets the glory no matter where one gets his post-secondary training. Not to mention, this will not only help them to stand firm in the face of non-biblical teaching with a renewed mind (Romans 12:2) but also to powerfully share the Gospel in a secularized environment.

“Listen carefully to my wisdom; take to heart what I can teach you. You'll treasure its sweetness deep within; you'll give it bold expression in your speech. To make sure your foundation is trust in God, I'm laying it all out right now just for you. I'm giving you thirty sterling principles—tested guidelines to live by. Believe me—these are truths that work, and will keep you accountable to those who sent you” (Proverbs 22:17-21 MSG).

The movement to produce bright, educated citizens who look at the world in a godless vacuum is gaining momentum and credibility. Christians must not allow our young minds to become discarded data of a doctoral thesis. We must prayerfully encourage, admonish, and challenge college students to not fall away from the faith.

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