Aromatherapy - The Gateway to Perfume

Aromatherapy - The Gateway to Perfume
I was having a discussion with professional friends this week about aromatherapy, essential oils and the roll each plays in our choice of fragrance. When we’re in the department stores or where ever you purchase your scents, the immediate thought is not the process that was taken to give us the aroma we are sniffing at the time.

Our first thought is, how well it smells. Did it capture our attention as a scent? Did it actually stink?

We came back to the question of what is aromatherapy? Our answer: A therapy that uses aroma for healing. This is probably not the first time you’ve heard this question and certainly not the first time you’ve heard this same answer. But it true.

Aromatherapy works on many levels. It’s used for treating emotional as well as physical problems. Aromatherapy can help you improve your love/sex life … bring it on!

Why do you think that there are so many body creams, room fresheners and candles promising to bring aromatherapy into your life?

Without mother nature there would be no aromatherapy. The beautiful scents that you experience are from the oils, resins, roots, flowers and leaves of the plants and trees that she produces.

If the plant has a scent, it contains an oil. While certain scents make you think faster and better, others work on your emotions. Some scents are mood-lifting antidepressants while others are relaxants or stimulants.

The effect that a fragrance may have on your mind and emotions could be subtle, but the smell alone makes you feel better about yourself. Feeling good about yourself makes you less angry and jealous. You have a sense of control of your life and this makes you less frustrated in general.

With our skin being the largest organ of our body, this is where we have one of the greatest experiences with scents. If we’re not rubbing it with a scented potion (a lotion, cream or body oil), we’re stepping into a scented bath or misting it before we leave our house.

As you learn to speak the language of fragrance, you’ll begin to understand what it means when you hear the terms floral (rose, lavender, jasmine) or woodsy (cedar,pine, sandalwood) or citrus (grapefruit, lemon, orange) or spicy (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg) or even minty (spearmint, peppermint).

From an aromatherapy point of view it’s well worth it to take a little time and learn what this science is all about. Every perfume that you purchase from the store has its beginning in an aromatherapy framework. Every scent is manufactured to alter your state or mood in one way or another.

Scary? It could be. But when you understand what’s in a blend and why you wear it, you will approach its use with a definite purpose.

Life Never Smelled So Sweet!

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