New Strange Laws Recently Passed

New Strange Laws Recently Passed
Hi Folks. It is time once again to visit the dumb and strange laws that are on the books in the United States and around the world. However, this week I am doing it a little differently. This week I am writing about the newest dumb and strange laws to be passed in different countries and states. Yes, they are still making strange and dumb laws.

For instance a law was just passed in Nebraska recently where if you are driving on a mountain in Nebraska, these drivers have to drive with caution near the right edge of the highway. Why is this a strange law? Well, I know of no mountains in Nebraska. Do you?

In Hawaii, you can ride in the back of a pick up truck with no safety equipment, but is illegal to ride in the back seat of a passenger car without wearing a seat belt.

Here a couple from the state of Illinois:

In Illinois it is illegal for anyone to have “physical relations” with a corpse. Is this that really a big problem in Illinois that they have to make a law banning it?

In Illinois, if you are under the age of 21, you can drink alcoholic beverages as long as you are enrolled in culinary program. I wonder if that means you can drink the cooking sherry.

In Moore, Oklahoma, it is now illegal to drive with a trailer hitch on your vehicle. I suppose that means that you have to duct tape the trailer to the bumper of your vehicle now.

Mississippi passed and “Anti-Bloomberg Bill” that will stop towns, cities, and counties from regulating nutrition labeling.

A couple of laws were passed in that crazy state of Florida where they revised the term “motor vehicle” to exclude swamp buggies, thereby deregulating the primary mode of transportation in the Sunshine State.

Florida also mistakenly banned all computers and smart phones in internet cafes.

In California, people who work in prisons will no longer be allowed to have “physical relations” with inmates in that prison.

Also in California film producers must have permission from a pediatrician before a child under the age of one month can be filmed for television or movies.

It is a crime, in Iowa, to use a dead person’s handicapped parking sign or license plate. I wonder how many people have tried this before for it to become a law.

If you live in Wellington, Kansas, you can now have more than four cats per household. I think four cats is still too many though.

And finally, in North Carolina it is a felony to steal more than 1000 dollars worth of grease. I guess as long as you take 1000 dollars exactly or less, you are all right.

There you are. Some recent laws that were passed and may even have you scratching your heads.

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