Canine Cancer

Cancer types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mast Cell Tumors star[offsite link]
Mast cell tumors (MCT) are cancerous proliferations of mast cells. Clearly, mast cell tumors affect both lifespan and quality of life. They are referred to as "the great imposters," as there is no way to definitively identify them without a biopsy and pathology report. Mast cell tumors vary widely in their size, shape, appearance, texture, and location. Read more...

Cancer in Dogs star[offsite link]
Dogs are living longer these days because of the advances of modern veterinary and human medicine. Longer life is a boon to pet-owning families, but it also brings old age problems. Cancer can be a trade-off for those extra years with a loved companion. Do you know what canine cancer symptoms are? This page gives you that information and much more.

Cancer in the Canine star[offsite link]
This article covers the risk factors leading to the development of cancer; the newest methods for detection and staging of disease to diagnosis of some of the more common cancers affecting the canine; from conventional forms of therapy to new breakthroughs and clinical trials with novel treatments aimed at eradicating these malignancies in the dog.

Chemotherapy Easier on Pets than on People star[offsite link]
Cancer therapy is a rapidly expanding discipline in veterinary medicine. Animal chemotherapy is much milder than human chemotherapy. This is because human and veterinary oncologists have very different goals for treatment, and therefore the intensities, ide effects, and outcomes are also very different.If your pet has cancer, chemotherapy is an option you should consider carefully and discuss with your veterinarian.

Lymphoma in Dogs star[offsite link]
When a veterinarian examines a dog with one or more lumps and determines that peripheral lymph nodes (those near the skin surface) are enlarged and firm, blood tests and urinalysis are ordered and one or more lymph nodes are aspirated or biopsied to confirm the diagnosis of lymphoma. Read more...

Osteosarcoma star[offsite link]
Osteosarcoma is by far the most common bone tumor of the dog, usually striking the leg bones of larger breeds. Osteosarcoma usually arises in middle aged or elderly dogs but can arise in a dog of any age with larger breeds tending to develop tumors at younger ages.

Pets with Cancer star[offsite link]
If your pet is thought or known to have cancer, a consultation with a veterinarian experienced in oncology can provide you with valuable information regarding treatment options and expectations. Read more about types of canine cancer and treatment.

Radiation Therapy star[offsite link]
Radiation therapy can be used in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy to provide permanent control or death of a tumor. It is used for tumors that have not spread to other sites in the body and offers a potential cure for some localized tumors. In other cases, radiation therapy can be used for its palliative effect. Even if the tumor can not be destroyed, at least shrinking it may improve the quality of life by reducing pressure, bleeding, or pain.

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