Honoring The Men In Our Lives

Honoring The Men In Our Lives
I was sure enough a Daddy's girl. In my eyes, the sun rose and set on my father. Flaws and all. We had a remarkable relationship. He was my first champion, my best friend, my greatest supporter. He was the very first person who told me that I could; that I could be anything that I wanted to be.

It is time to celebrate our fathers. To celebrate the wonderful gift that we have in our Black men. For all the heat and drama that many of our Black men receive; especially in the media, and at times from our own Black sisters—they deserve a day to be celebrated and to be given their accolades for all that they do and contribute to our lives.

Sure; there are many men that are not doing their best. But there are many that are. And we need to begin to recognize them, celebrate them, and support them. I cannot begin to tell you how it hurts my heart to see our children without a father in their lives. But what hurts even more, is to witness the dishonor and disrespect that many of our Black fathers receive. How many of them are overlooked for what they contribute to our Black community, our society, our world? They indeed need to be celebrated, recognized, and given the respect that is due them.

One of the most wonderful sights to see is a father holding their child, and a father spending time with their children. I love to see a man walk in their responsibility and teach their children about life. A father that is present and doing all that they can. I also applaud those who may have made their share of past mistakes, but have taken responsibility for their actions, and are working towards a greater goal of restoring and healing their relationships with their children.

Women hold a lot of power. Even in the words and actions we do not say or do, there is power. We can build our men up, or we can tear them down. How we treat the men in our lives is being witnessed by the children in our lives. If we show respect and honor, then our children will also. If we esteem the men in our lives, they will also. If we would also (now some may get angry at me for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway!) learn to distance ourselves from relationships that are toxic, and stop thinking we can change a man that does not want to change, we can make room in our lives for the right man to come, and for love to grow in a healthy way. And show our children; especially our sons, that life is about choices and we can choose to do what's right, no matter what.

So, with that being said. I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you to every man that has made a deposit into my life. Thank you for all the lessons. To my father for his love, support, his encouragement. You were my King and I was your princess, and I thank you for teaching me that I was worthy of great love, and to be treated with respect and honor, and to never accept anything less. You also taught me, through your faults and flaws, that not every man is the same, and that there can be redemption. I love you for loving me.

To my brother; THANK YOU. You taught me so much as a brother. You showed me what strength and fortitude and resilience and dedication looks like in the face of adversity. I honor you for the man and father that you are. No doubt, our father would be proud. You are a King. And may God continue to bless you and your seed.

To my uncles; THANK YOU. You were there when my father left this earth. You filled a void that was so deep and dark, and brought light and love and strength to my broken heart. Your love and dedication to your family inspires me each and every day. You are beautiful Black men that wear your crown well.

To my male friends; THANK YOU. You know how to keep things real. You let me know, and others, that there are good men all around, if one would open their eyes and let go of the past and not judge others by another's mistakes. You are kind with your words and hefty with your advice! Whether solicited or not! But I thank you anyway! It just shows how much you care. Your children are blessed because you made the decision to be there.

Last, but not least. To my King, my Lord, my husband, John. THANK YOU. I celebrate you each and everyday. You have brightened my heart and filled it with joy. You are the one that makes my heart smile and brings laughter to my soul, even when I don't want to laugh or smile. I honor you and your strength. I love your heart and the love you hold for your children. The willingness to make right every wrong. Our children are blessed, and will come to understand the reasons why I love you, and how fortunate they are, you are their Dad! Happy Father's Day! The best is yet to come. For what we have is phenomenal, and our family is a reward!

Happy Father's Day! Celebrate the men in your life. Let them know how much you support them and appreciate them. And, it wouldn't hurt for them to hear—more than once in a while—THANK YOU!

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Celebrating The Fathers in Our lives
The Measure of a Great Father
Celebrating Black Fatherhood

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This content was written by Ruthe McDonald. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Ruthe McDonald for details.