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BellaOnline Traffic

BellaOnline is the second largest women's website in the world. What does that mean, in terms of viewers and ad results?

First, keep in mind that some unscrupulous websites report their traffic in "hits". A hit counts any item given out to an end user. It could be a tiny 1x1 white square used for lining up words in a table. A single page could easily generate 50 "hits". BellaOnline always reports traffic in PAGEVIEWS which are actual pages given out to end users.

Along the same lines, BellaOnline does NOT report "unique visitors". Any website that gives you an unique visitor count is making that number up. There is no way to know what person visits a given page on a website. All a website can know is the IP address of the visitor. Many people share computers at work, or at libraries. Many people have both a laptop and a computer at home. Many people use dial-up connections or turn off their cable modems, meaning they get new IP addresses each time they visit. There is no way at all, using current technology, to know unique visitors. We won't know unique visitors until people are required to use thumbprints or retinal scans to access a website.

BellaOnline only reports the real, actual data that is factual. Our website distributes over 20 million pageviews each month. These are full pages shown to real, active, interested end users. We never use any advertising or marketing to draw people to our site. People come to us solely because they want to read our content, not because they were 'lured' into checking us out.

How does BellaOnline's traffic compare to other entities you might know about?

The Regis Live morning show gets 4 million viewers. So if we put a sitewide sponsorship on our site for even 2 weeks, we would have that same impact - and undoubtedly where a Regis ad would be a brief 15 second promo, a person tends to stay on our site for far more than 15 seconds :) Someone who watches a TV show has to remember a URL and then go to a website later on. There is nothing written down to prompt them. On BellaOnline, your ad is right there, easy to click.

The New York Times says on their website "The Times has the highest circulation of any seven-day newspaper in America." - and that circulation is given as 1.4 million copies going out on Sunday (as of 2010). You can never be sure that an ad put on a given page of the newspaper will be seen by all 1.4 million of those readers, though! With BellaOnline, you know exactly what your viewership count is - we give you exact view and click statistics in your online admin area. If you did a site-wide run on BellaOnline, you could reach that same figure in 4 days, and know for sure that every single visitor was on a page with your ad.

Time Magazine puts out about 3.3 million issues each week (as of 2010). So again, a week run of BellaOnline site-wide advertising would give you not only the same number of actual ads, but a far higher number of ads that were SEEN by end users - and typically the ads were paid much more attention to. A reader of a magazine then has to go to their computer and type in the information seen, to get to your website. This is at least better than having it appear and then disappear (a la TV and radio) but only slightly so. With the internet, they can go directly to your site to learn, read, and buy.

BellaOnline has a very high reputation for quality and for unbiased information. We never run pop-ups, pop-unders, interstitials or other intrusive ads. This means that the ads we DO run are seen as valued content, and are paid attention to.

Because we can market to a specific topical area of BellaOnline, our ads are even more valuable than generic ads run on the previous mentioned media. Let's say you have an ad for a cruise line. You could simply run that ad on Regis and hope that everyone who saw it likes to cruise. In comparison, at BellaOnline we can directly segment your ads to target exact markets. If you have a martial arts cruise, we can run an ad for that on the martial arts site. Do you have a cruise that targets wine lovers? Run that ad on the wine site! Cruises that discuss gardening will find a natural match in our many gardening topic areas. You can literally choose your top 6 topical areas, make up an ad directly focussing on each group, and run those ads in the exact areas that those people visit. The result is phenomonally high click-through rates, because you are showing an offer to the exact people who would be interested in that offer.

It would be as if Time Magazine did a special on cruises, and every one of those 4 million issues was bought by someone eager to go on a cruise - and then your ad was somehow able to generate instant information and ticket sales from every person who touched it. You can't do that on TV or in print. You CAN do that at

Women's Magazines
If you're going to compare us just against women's magazines (and consider us some sort of an "on line magazine") - then here are some interesting figures for you.

Woman's Day Magazine - 3.8 million issues, published 17 times a year
Ms. Magazine - 110,000 copies of each issue

With our 20 million pageviews each month, we can easily provide a far larger coverage than these periodicals do.

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