LDSFamilies Newsletter

LDS Families

June 7 2010 LDS Families Newsletter

Hello Friends!

There have been a few months since our last communicae. I hope you all find yourselves prospering, especially in the realm of faith. My family and I have had some truly nutso experiences the past four months. Chief among them was my embarking on a 1300ish mile trek. The circumstances were such that my husband and I had a mere few hours’ notice. I left alone—well, with our five little boys—just a few hundred dollars, and Heavenly Father’s guidance. It was quite a trip. The kids and I got here (for everyone’s safety I can’t yet say precisely where “here” is quite yet), and with the Lord’s help, we were in our new home, in our new neighborhood, in our new ward in under three weeks. Haven’t seen my Eternal Love since, but he’s coming to join us later this month. He will be retiring for good and ever from the military on June 15. (Early retirement, thank you very much, he’s only 34!) Military life has been mainly good for us, and I am so proud of his sacrifice and service to his country. He put in 14 years. The kids and I are adjusting to civilian life swimmingly; I hope he can too. It’ll be nice to see him with hair longer than 1/8 of an inch again, though I’m not looking forward to the inevitable return of the beard!

Beyond the big move, the other major life event is a reemergence of some old physical health boogeymen. One of my darned hips dislocated two weeks after arriving, and my really darned heart failed in early May. (weird, because in the past the Cardiomyopathy has only stricken during pregnancy and I am waaayyyyyy NOT pregnant!) I am out of heart failure now, and do NOT need a transplant. Not quite out of the proverbial woods yet, though, but I know that my heart, hips, body, soul, kids, husband, dogs, fleas, dust mites, and every little molecule in my realm is in the Lord’s hands. I believe I will recover, because I believe it is His will, but if not, I look forward to whatever he has planned for me, and pray for my little ones (and the bigger one) who my heart beats for in the first place.

So, I hope you’re gearing up for Father’s Day. I feel even more tender toward the big lugs now than I usually do in June (a consequence of having been separated from the Dad of my family for four months!) Therefore, much of the new content featured on the LDS Families Site right now deals with Father’s Day and Daddydom. Included is a review of The Loving Wives Club, a marvelous, and I believe unique service, that may well add just the right spice, spark, and sugar to your marriage. A very good gift idea for Father’s Day!

While the Father’s Day articles are grouped together and available on the home page (With new Daddy-themed offerings being added throughout the month), Mom hasn’t been neglected either. I revealed my secrets for looking semi-pulled-together almost every time we leave the house, with my tips for creating a “uniform” based on one’s one personality, style, and LIFEstyle. And as long as we are divulging secrets, I let slip what I’ve learned from up-close observations of a few “Supermoms;” coupla ways in which we may bring peace to our homes and soothe our little beasties. Finally, lest we neglect the doctrine of the true and living gospel, we’ve featured a two-parter discussing personal revelation and the ways we can support one another.

The featured articles, as always, may be found on the LDS Families Site home page here:
Father’s Day Articles:
The Loving Wives Club Review :
Personal Revelation – Supporting One Another:
Supermom’s Secrets For Peace in the Home:

“Mommy, my hair bones are very delicate!” Spoken by my six-year-old, after being ambushed by his four-year-old triplet brothers.

When making a long road trip with a bunch of car-seat restrained kids, opt for slip-on sandals, even if it’s snowing. It’ll make rest stops so much quicker!

And so, adieu for now, and Mizpah. God willing I’ll talk to y’all again next week!

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Jamie Rose, LDS Families Editor

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