LDSFamilies Newsletter

LDS Families

September 2 2008 LDS Families Newsletter

Hurray! It's canning season! I love to bottle produce and especially enjoy the sound of full bottles sealing tight as they cool on the cupboard. I actually count the 'pops' as I clean. Yesterday we bottled hamburger relish and it is delicious even without hamburgers to put it on!

I'm always looking for new canning recipes. Just e-mail me your favorites and I'll e-mail you some of mine.

Check out this week's article at LDSFamilies. It is the first article of a two-part series.

Making Applesauce, Making Memories
Is it worth it to have children in the kitchen?

Next week check out tips for cooking in the kitchen with small children.

You’ve read my review of the book “Dear Soldier” which features touching letters written to servicemen. These letters are included in gift bags given to deployed personnel during the holiday season. This year Project Rudolph, in conjunction with Operation Angel, has a goal to provide 7,000 gift bags to military members transitioning through the airports during the holidays and to the injured troops so far from home.

Now that a new school year has started, teachers, administrators and those involved in home schooling can help them reach this goal. They need decorated brown paper lunch bags, letters of support, unbreakable ornaments, candy canes and other wrapped candies to fill the bags. Educators have been using Project Rudolph in their classrooms to enhance English, penmanship, and letter writing skills. By decorating brown paper bags as an art project, students also develop art skills. Older students can be involved in wood or metal shop creating Christmas ornaments. There are so many ways to help.

If you are interested in using Project Rudolph in your curriculum, please get full guidelines at

Together a lot of educators can broaden the horizon of their students and make the world a little be closer.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

T. Lynn Adams, LDS Families Editor

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