Here are the latest articles from the Women's Issues site at
Blood as an Art Medium
Aliza Shvarts and her alleged senior art project confused and disgusted many. Did the youthful student go so far for "art" that she trivialized women's issues on a variety of levels? You decide.
Am I a Bigot? Are You?
During these times when rights continue to be sought by the gay community, the beliefs of others must not be summarily dismissed as bigotry. To do so is counterproductive and divisive. Are you willing to talk? Are you willing to listen?
Please visit for even more great content about Women's Issues.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Women's Issues located here -
The forum gets a little heated at times but the "conversation" is fantastic and there are always many views expressed! I hope you'll join us!
Now that the elections have been decided and we move into the holiday season, watch for articles on a variety of topics affecting women's issues upon which debate continues. I'll keep you apprised of all!
As always, I appreciate your feedback so feel free to email me or catch me in the forum!
Watch for my review of Gail Straub's "Returning to My Mother's House," coming soon! Until next time,
Ciao Bella!
Gina Cowley, Women's Issues Editor
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