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Animal Life

February 8 2013 Animal Life Newsletter

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Animal Life: Do More Than Explore Your World, Understand It.

The Squawk!

Understand Global Warming
Investigative piece by Tom Brokaw for the Discovery ChannelĀ®

David vs. Monstanto
Mega corporate corruption meets mild mannered farmer.

Shelter Box
Natural disaster emergency assistance.

Arctic Oil Spill Test Results
Only test ever performed - FAILED.

Regrowing the Forest
How we save the rainforests.

The Reality of Fossil Fuels
Robert Redford was an oil worker and shares secrets of the trade.

Achieving Atmospheric Stability
The first step is to reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Free Ebooks On Green Living
BellaOnline has a wide assortment of free ebooks on how to live a successful Green lifestyle.

Call of the Wild!

Save Wildlife
Preserve species and habitat diversity.

Preserve the Rainforest
Let's make sure that wildlife has a healthy environment.

Click to Donate
Twelve causes that you can assist with a click.

The Watering Holes!  photo maulwurf01_zps0d06ebdb.gif

Facebook: Come make a difference!

Scoop It!: Scoop the Issues.

Tumblr: A dash of panache.

Care2 Network: Animal Activism.

Twitter: Tweet with Animal Life.

Greetings Animal Enthusiast!

Here are the updates from Animal Life for the week. Share your passion for animals by forwarding this newsletter along to other animal lovers.

Fresh Paws Off The Press!

Helping Honeybees Benefits Your Garden
Responsible gardening tips to help keep bees happy and healthy. Happy bees help benefit your garden and are less inclined to intrude on your outside activities.

Honeybee Body Wash
Homemade body wash that works for all skin types and even revitalizes dry hair.

A Mighty Squeak!

"For animals that are overworked, underfed, and cruelly treated; for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death...and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words." ― Albert Schweitzer


The Animal Roar!

Saving Wildlife Equals Racism
According to Chinese-American's, California's Shark Fin Ban is racist towards those of Chinese descent because they are largely the consumers of shark fins.

Endangered Amur Leopard Faces Extinction
Without effective interaction to stop poachers and measures to cease habitat encroachment, the Amur Leopard faces its place amongst the dinosaurs in Earth's history.

How Valerian Root Helps Animals
Valerian Root is nature's sleep aid and stress reducer.

How Echinacea Herb Helps Household Pets
Echinacea is nature's antibiotic. It helps fight infections and helps mitigate the cold and flu. Learn how to keep your family healthy during the cold season.

The evolution of humankind can be measured by how its animals are treated.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Deb Duxbury
Animal Life Editor

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