Hello again.
I've been sending a newsletter for a few weeks now and I'd like to know a little more about you; who is it that subscribes to and reads my Deafness newsletter and articles? I've added a one question poll on the Forum to find out who my readers are. This will allow me to target articles based on your interests and needs. You can use the Forum link below but a link is also on every Bellaonline.com page. You do need to register but your details are not available to me or anyone else from Bellaonline.
There's been interesting articles about Deaf drivers and the introduction of a special 'Visor' communication card to help Deaf people communicate with police should they ever be pulled over. Visit the Deafness Forum for a link to an article about this card.
Can a deaf person drive?
Ever been asked if you’re allowed to drive? It’s not a question most people even think about. But it is one deaf people get asked regularly. Research shows deaf drivers are no better nor worse than hearing drivers.
In my latest article from the Deafness site at BellaOnline.com I look at some of the issues Deaf and hearing impaired drivers face and again on the forum I've told you a couple of my 'funny' experiences as a deaf driver. Tell me about yours!
Please visit deafness.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Deafness.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Deafness located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I appreciate feedback! This allows me to research articles and give you information that you may not have the time to find yourself.
Feel free to pass this message to family and friends, if you think they would benefit too.
Felicity Bleckly, Deafness Editor
http://www.c-a-network.com for my story
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