deafness Newsletter


March 4 2008 Deafness Newsletter

Hello friends
My newsletter is early this week because I'm going to Sydney tomorrow morning for work for two days. Then I return home to celebrate my son's birthday and our 9th wedding anniversary before driving off to Melbourne for the weekend. It's a long weekend here in Australia and I'm visiting my 96.5 year old father.

Following on from last week about how deaf and hearing impaired people cope with emergencies and how deaf people cope with drivign, is how deaf people need to be more alert than most when walking our streets

Deaf Pedestrian Safety
In a health conscious environment many people walk for exercise. There are things which seem obvious which can make it safer for you to walk. Being alert to your surroundings is extra important.

Please visit for even more content about Deafness.

To participate in free, discussions, this site has a community forum all about Deafness located here -

Thank you to those who have/are participating and to those who have emailed me direct.

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Please feel free to pass this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Felicity Bleckly, Deafness Editor and look for 'Resources for the Hearing community' under Services for information about how you can communicate easier with the hearing impaired.

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