englishgarden Newsletter

English Garden

September 1 2006 English Garden Newsletter

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For colour in an English Garden in September make sure you have some Sedum spectabile.
This lovely plant has masses of bright pink or red flower-heads that will be covered in butterflies .

Sedums are easy to grow and like a sunny spot with well-drained soil.
Try growing them with white gladoli and white dahlias.
Michaelmas daisies will start to flower now right up to the first frosts.

Feverfew , snapdragons, perennial asters and penstemons will flower all month.

Both Sedums and Gladoli last well indoors in water – out of the sun. Often sedums will send out roots, so after you have enjoyed their flowers you have some new plants as well!

September is the best month for collecting your own seeds from the garden.
English Gardeners are very thrifty and will collect the seeds and spend many a happy hour sorting and storing the seed.
It is a good way to increase the number of plants in your garden and you can give away seed that you have just too much of!

The easiest way to gather seeds is to cut the whole flower head off when the seed has ripened and place it in a paper bag upside down. Then place in a warm place for a week to ten days.

Do not use plastic bags as these hold the moisture which can allow the seeds to go mouldy.

Envelopes are the traditional way of storing the seeds.
Make sure you clearly label each one and you can add notes - such as where in the garden you need to grow them next year.
They need to be kept in a cool dry place – damp will ruin them.

September is a good time to plan your garden for the spring and plant bulbs – tulips, daffodils, iris or fritillarias.
Plant some in pots so you can place them by your front or back doors or have them on the patio.

September is also a good time to pot up some of your herbs such as chives and parsley so you can bring them indoors or into the greenhouse for the winter.
It is good to be able to pick fresh herbs to go with your holiday meals.

Enjoy your English Garden

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English Garden History
An English Garden is a beautifully practical Garden. It is crammed with as many useful plants as possible, often in quite a small area.


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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Hellie T., English Garden Editor
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