Life Path Numbers

Life Path Numbers
The Greek mathematician, mystic and philosopher, Pythagorus (570 BC – 495 BC) believed that numbers, like everything else, carried their own vibration.

Each number has its own personal meaning, according to the vibration it carries. And these vibrations carry over into your life through your birthday, which is known as your life path number.

The life path number is obtained by adding together all the numbers from your birth date, and is the strongest energy that you will work with throughout your life. It’s the vibration of who you are, and how you do what you do.

To get your life path number, simply add the numbers of birth date together. For example, if you were born on February 26, 1966, you would add it like this:

2+2+6+1+9+6+6= 32

In numerology, you want to break down any double digit numbers (unless they are 11, 22, 33, etc.).

So if you end up with 32, break it down to 3+2=5.

Someone born on this date then would have the life path number of 5.

If you end up with an 11, 22 or 33, these are known as master numbers, and you don’t break these numbers down as they are considered to carry a higher frequency and have some spiritual significance.

Life Path Numbers

1 – Those who walk the life path of a 1 are born leaders. Independence, creativity and freedom are important to 1s, and they will achieve much if allowed to express themselves.

2 – Those who walk the life path of a 2 are most interested in unity and harmony. They are sensitive and intuitive, and natural born healers. They are also highly creative and artistic, and have an eye for balance and rhythm.

3 – Those who walk the life path of a 3 are the optimists and artists. Highly creative, 3s who focus on developing their talents generally achieve their artistic goals while inspiring those around them. They love the spotlight, and thrive on attention.

4 – Those who walk the life path of a 4 are down to earth, responsible and organized. Loyal and hard working, once 4s commit they are there for the duration, and will see even the most difficult of projects through to the end.

5 – Those who walk the life path of a 5 love freedom and variety. 5s thrive on change, and do well to seek new adventures. They have a gift for motivating and inspiring others to take action.

6 – Those who walk the life path of a 6 are the nurturers and caretakers. 6s love family life, and being part of a community. They tend to be humanitarians, and often seek to make changes that serve the greater good.

7 – Those who walk the life path of a 7 are the truth and wisdom seekers. They love gathering knowledge, and prefer the company of a good book, or other intellectual pursuit, to crowds or social gatherings.

8 – Those who walk the life path of an 8 are charismatic and influential, and are naturally gifted when it comes to attracting success and abundance. Not really detail oriented, they are more about the big goal. They are great managers, and inspire others to their call to action.

9 – Those who walk the life path of a 9 are the wisdom keepers and humanitarians. They have a strong sense of divine truth, and are idealistic and compassionate. They see the big picture, and are often guided to give their energies to support causes that support a better world.

11 – Those who walk the life path of an 11 are the intuitives and channelers of information from the spiritual realms. They are sensitive, and have a deep understanding of divinity as a creative force. As visionaries, their calling is to inspire others to this deeper understanding.

22 – Those who walk the life path of the 22 are known as the master builders. Their gift is to invite others into the grander vision of creating heaven on earth, and whatever expression that takes. They are powerful manifestors, and have a deep understanding of the creative power of thought.

33 – Those who walk the life path of the 33 are known as the master teachers, and are more interested in teaching loving kindness, and uplifting the energies of the planet, than they are in personal goals and achievements.

Like your sun sign, your life path number is another clue into the energies you brought with you into this lifetime, and can give you a deeper understanding of the gifts and talents you are meant to share with the world.

For more information on your Life Path, consider reading one of my favorite books on numbers and their meanings by author, Dan Millman.

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The Message of Numbers

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