Winter Golfing in Texas

Winter Golfing in Texas
It was the day after Christmas as I receive a telephone call at 8:50 a.m. as I was on the computer I ran to answer the phone. After my usual Meinen’s I hear this little voice saying; “My family just left so are we playing golf or do I have to wash sheets?” I say “Hello Jane it looks like you can do both, it is suppose to warm up later”. Jane says, “10:30” and I say “Your right 10:30 it is, see you later.” This is a usual call in the winter as Jane is always looking for a golf game. Now Jane will play every day and in all kinds of weather so this is not new. We had three days of rainy cool weather so golf was on her mind.

Jane Wilmer is a long time friends that I met many years ago when I was looking for someone to play golf. We had been coming to Salado for several years after we bought a townhouse here in Salado in 1984 to get away from the Iowa winters. From those early days during the winter months Jane and I would be the only people on the golf course. Sometimes there would still be ice on some of the greens that were shaded, but we would putt over them and be on our way. So getting this call today was no surprise as it was on a Monday where I always make tee times for the month so we were set for 10:30 a.m.

Jane shows up early with her cart all zipped up and ready to roll. We head down to the first tee and there are still threatening clouds and in the 40’s but very little wind. We both have layered clothes with wind suits and stocking caps. Since I do not play with golf gloves my hands would get cold but had some warm up ones if I needed them. I am sure Jane was keeping score but I wasn’t as just out there for the exercise and working on my swing. It was fairly hard to do with all the layers I had on but was going pretty good.

I used my iphone camera to record this winter golf game and as the day worn on it cleared up and became quite nice. The sun felt very good as we played on. My putts were not holing out they were going straight to the pin but coming close but never in. Jane’s problem was the sand traps as she managed to hit quite a few of them during the round. I was only in one and got out just fine these are hard strokes as the sand was wet from all the rain and Jane found her share.

Our 18th hole is now a par three hole since we had to change the course because of the flood last year. It is a great hole and we finished there just fine with the sun and blue skies all around. We made plans to play on Wednesday as the weather prediction is for it to be in the 60’s with sun shine all day. In Texas winters you take your chance to play golf whenever you can and whatever the weather and Jane got in her game today. We will see how many show up to play on Wednesday plus on Friday which the prediction is still going to be in the 60’s. Happy Golfing.

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This content was written by Letta Meinen. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Sandy Eggers for details.