Miller 64 Low Carb / Light Beer

Miller 64 Low Carb / Light Beer
Miller 64 has - as you might guess - 64 calories. It also has 2.4g of carbs. In terms of low carb beer, Miller 64 is about the lowest you can get, with only Bud 55 being lower.

Miller 64 Low Carb / Light Beer As with the Bud 55, you need to balance your expectations with this. There is very little alcohol in Miller 64 and very little grain either. That means you won't be getting a thick, heavy, high-alcohol result. It's the trade-off you're making in terms of managing your weight. If your aim is simply to relax after a long day of yard work, and drink something ice-cold that you guzzle down to refresh, then this could be perfect. If your aim is to have a high end meal with a rich, full-flavored beer to savor, you'll probably want to move "higher up" the list of options.

It's also fair to say that Miller products tend to have a fairly distinctive flavor profile. Those who grow up with Miller, naturally, tend to adore it. Others who grew up drinking other brands of beer might not be as fond of the Miller style. And that's OK! That's like a discussion over whether chocolate ice cream is better than strawberry ice cream. We all have our flavor preferences and that's fine. Just be aware that the Miller 64 does have a fairly distinctive flavor. You might love it, or you might not be fond of it.

So for those needing to count every last calorie because they have a lot of weight to lose, this would be one of the options to examine. For those who are maintaining their weight and are seeking flavorful beer options, it might be worth it to go for a higher carb / calorie option and manage it along with your other menu choices and activity choices.

I'll also note that a clear bottle allows the beer to skunk VERY quickly - in under 15 minutes when exposed to light. So be sure to store the bottle in a dark place and to pour it right before drinking to maintain its flavors.

Nutrition information:
size: 12oz
calories: 64
carbs: 2.4g
protein: <1g
Fat: 0g

Low Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb ReferenceLow Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb Reference
Beer is an integral part of many peoples' lives. How do you drink beer and maintain a low carb, healthy diet? This book provides beer reviews, tips, and ideas for losing weight while enjoying beer.

Low Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb Reference - Full Details

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