Difference between Soul Purpose and Life Purpose
Often when people start their spiritual journey, they get very excited about discovering their Soul’s Purpose. This phrase is often used interchangeably with Life Purpose, and in fact, many people believe that their Soul’s Purpose is the same as their Life’s purpose. However, though the two are strongly connected, they are actually vastly different.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Soul Purpose
The Soul is infinite – this lifetime is not. You are an Infinite Being in a body, and each life will be a new and different experience for you. However, your Soul’s purpose will always remain the same; to know itself as individuated (not separated) from Source Energy.
Having a human experience gives the Soul a unique opportunity to know itself. Think of it this way; on another dimensional level, your Soul is aware of being One with Source Energy – it’s already enlightened! So that’s not a new and fun experience for it – it’s simply how it is. Becoming individualized, however, is fun, because it offers a new and rare opportunity for expansion, and to create, on a microcosmic level, the way Source Energy creates on a cosmic level.
So simply put, your Soul’s Purpose is to experience itself through its creations while being a human.
Special Skills, Talents, or Requirements:
None. You can start living your Soul’s purpose right now, there are no special requirements, other than a desire to take action (and not just think about it), and create a life experience that is in alignment with your desires. You don’t even need to follow any particular spiritual or metaphysical philosophy – simply create your life through making choices and taking action. That’s all!
Life Purpose
Your life purpose is a little more detailed, and can actually change over the course of your life. So a better term for your Life Purpose would actually be your calling.
Your calling is what you feel called to do. Your calling could be to get an education, start a family, or participate in your community in a particular way. Your calling may be related to a career, or to personal growth and development, which would eventually lead to another calling to share your gifts and talents.
So you can see how your calling would change; most people don’t want to be in school for their entire life. And it may be that after you’ve raised your family, you feel called to train in a new skillset, and interact in your community utilizing those particular tools or talents.
Sometimes it’s not your calling that changes, but the way it presents itself will. For example, a doctor, who feels their calling is to help people, may change careers in favor of becoming a minister. Or someone who believed their calling was to start a family, may later choose to teach new parents about the power of infant / parent bonding.
Special Skills, Talents, or Requirements:
Yes, and it will depend on your calling. If your calling is to get an education, you’ll need to take classes. If your calling is to start a family, you’ll need to figure out how to make that happen too. A career calling will require learning the specific skillset required of that career.
Start from where you are now!
You can live your Soul Purpose right now by doing these three things:
1. Set an intention for creating your life. What do you want to do or create?
2. Make a choice that honors those intentions.
3. Take an action based on your choice.
The more you follow those simple steps, the easier it will be to live your Calling, and experience your Self as the Infinite Being that you already are.
Are you ready to expand on your experience of living your Soul Purpose by discovering the specific set of gifts and talents in your personal Soul Profile? Get a Soul Realignment Reading with Deanna today!
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Soul Purpose
The Soul is infinite – this lifetime is not. You are an Infinite Being in a body, and each life will be a new and different experience for you. However, your Soul’s purpose will always remain the same; to know itself as individuated (not separated) from Source Energy.
Having a human experience gives the Soul a unique opportunity to know itself. Think of it this way; on another dimensional level, your Soul is aware of being One with Source Energy – it’s already enlightened! So that’s not a new and fun experience for it – it’s simply how it is. Becoming individualized, however, is fun, because it offers a new and rare opportunity for expansion, and to create, on a microcosmic level, the way Source Energy creates on a cosmic level.
So simply put, your Soul’s Purpose is to experience itself through its creations while being a human.
Special Skills, Talents, or Requirements:
None. You can start living your Soul’s purpose right now, there are no special requirements, other than a desire to take action (and not just think about it), and create a life experience that is in alignment with your desires. You don’t even need to follow any particular spiritual or metaphysical philosophy – simply create your life through making choices and taking action. That’s all!
Life Purpose
Your life purpose is a little more detailed, and can actually change over the course of your life. So a better term for your Life Purpose would actually be your calling.
Your calling is what you feel called to do. Your calling could be to get an education, start a family, or participate in your community in a particular way. Your calling may be related to a career, or to personal growth and development, which would eventually lead to another calling to share your gifts and talents.
So you can see how your calling would change; most people don’t want to be in school for their entire life. And it may be that after you’ve raised your family, you feel called to train in a new skillset, and interact in your community utilizing those particular tools or talents.
Sometimes it’s not your calling that changes, but the way it presents itself will. For example, a doctor, who feels their calling is to help people, may change careers in favor of becoming a minister. Or someone who believed their calling was to start a family, may later choose to teach new parents about the power of infant / parent bonding.
Special Skills, Talents, or Requirements:
Yes, and it will depend on your calling. If your calling is to get an education, you’ll need to take classes. If your calling is to start a family, you’ll need to figure out how to make that happen too. A career calling will require learning the specific skillset required of that career.
Start from where you are now!
You can live your Soul Purpose right now by doing these three things:
1. Set an intention for creating your life. What do you want to do or create?
2. Make a choice that honors those intentions.
3. Take an action based on your choice.
The more you follow those simple steps, the easier it will be to live your Calling, and experience your Self as the Infinite Being that you already are.
Are you ready to expand on your experience of living your Soul Purpose by discovering the specific set of gifts and talents in your personal Soul Profile? Get a Soul Realignment Reading with Deanna today!
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This content was written by Deanna Leigh Joseph. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Deanna Leigh Joseph for details.