Crystals - Transformation, Spirit and Awareness

Crystals - Transformation, Spirit and Awareness
I’m just back from a two day crystal conference featuring the UK’s leading crystal healers and authors. I feel refreshed and ready to go having experienced and been shown some great new ways to work with my favourite healing tools, my crystals, and here I’ll share some of the ideas from the first two workshops with you. I'll cover the other sessions in subsequent articles.

Our workshop leaders were all Internationally renowned authors in the world of crystal healing and most importantly lovely, warm, genuine people. The conference organisers were Sue and Simon Lilly and they were joined by Judy Hall of Crystal Bible fame and Hazel Raven.

After an opening meditation led by Sue Lilly our first session was given by Judy Hall, who has long worked as a Karmic Astrologer as well as with crystals. We were treated to a demonstration of her method for healing karmic dis-ease by placing stones intuitively on the birth chart. She used the astrological chart for the day to work with, as we are all affected by the placements of the planets at all times, but normally for a client she would work with an accurate birth chart. We saw Judy work with the ‘angel wings’ formation that appeared on the day’s chart- our wings had been pinned down to the ground by Mars and this needed releasing. We certainly 'flew' for the rest of the weekend so I feel the healing was a success for all of us present!

Judy has found Brandenberg quartz, which contains amethyst, and the special layered quartz form known as a ‘shift crystal' to be excellent in this work, but other stones may also be used. The notes for Judy’s presentation will be posted on her site which you'll find below.

You could experiment with your own chart, using your clear intention to heal ancestral and karmic issues to guide your crystal placements. I would suggest working with your chart over a period of time and placing just a few stones, rather than piling lots on all at once. This way you’ll be able to note changes and will be more likely to understand which issues are being released or healed. If placements seem too uncomfortable for you simply lift them & put gentler healing stones on the chart, or wait and try at a later date when you may feel more ready to face the issues.

It was a delight to meet Judy as I’ve admired her down to earth writing for many years and was a fan long before the Crystal Bible came out. It’s good to know she is every bit as warm, wise and well grounded in person as her books suggest.

Our second workshop was presented by Simon Lilly and focussed on exploring the energies of the stars using crystal nets. Many of us are familiar with linking into planetary energies, but fewer link into star systems. When you stop to think about the importance of the constellations to the ancients, the mythology of the stars and the immense power in even the smallest of the stars you can start to appreciate the potential of this exploration.

Simon introduced us to a couple of the nets which are given in the ‘Beyond Crystal Doorways Workbook', which is a follow on from the excellent ‘Crystal Doorways’ and is available from Sue and Simon's site. I always enjoy Simon’s presentations- he brings a lovely humour to his work and is great fun to work with.

The most profound net for me was based on the energy of Orion, which was quite uncanny as I had received a message from my friend before breakfast that Orion would be important for me- before either of us knew what was going to be covered. The placement was very simple using four clear quartz and a yellow light spray, but the energy connection was intense & I felt vibration through my feet and spine throughout, as well as heat and a strong yellow-gold light which remained in my vision for a while after I’d opened my eyes.

If you'd like to train as a professional crystal therapist and live in the UK you can look on the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations site (ACHO) for a school near you. The ACHO centres listed are UK based, but some also have International centres, ICGT has a centre in Japan for example. I teach with Sue and Simon's school, the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists (ICGT). My teaching is based in Wales, UK, Please feel free to contact me for more information if you live close enough to attend monthly.

I’ll give you my experience of the afternoon workshops next week. Meanwhile you might like to browse the sites of the workshop leaders mentioned along with some of their crystal books below!

The Website of Judy Hall

Sue and Simon Lilly's Site

Hazel Raven's Site

Heal Yourself with Crystals

Hazel also collaborated with Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian on the wonderful Book of Stones:

You Should Also Read:
Vibrational Essences
Cleansing Your Crystals
Crystal Nets

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This content was written by Lauren D´Silva. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Deanna Leigh Joseph for details.