Betty Crocker Carb Monitor Brownies

Betty Crocker Carb Monitor Brownies
It doesn't matter if you're low carbing or just a sane eater! These brownies have 50% less sugar than normal and are delicious. Why would you eat the sugar-filled version?

We have fed these treats to your average, every day normal eaters, and they loved the brownies. The brownies are rich, chocolatey, delicious. They are mixed with eggs, oil and water, just like regular brownies. The difference is that they have less sugar, and more fiber. More fiber is always a good thing!

The sweet flavor that sugar normally provides is provided by Splenda, which is one of the only sweeteners that is approved for baking with. There is no off taste, no after taste - just delicious brownies.

The brownies are easy to make, with the standard mixing steps involved in any box mix of brownies.

I've made these several times, and if anything, the big problem seems to be that I can't wait for them to cool to eat them. Then I burn my mouth. So I sit there going "Oooooh too hot!" and "Yummm yummmm more!" So yes, they are really good.

I'm not saying that brownies are ideal meal items. This is of course 'junk food' that has 13g net carbs per serving. But if you compare that with the 22g of carbs in a normal serving of brownie, you start to realize just why people become heavy. The treats we eat normally are just chock-full of sugar! If you can have a treat that is only half as sugar-filled, and is just as tasty, I don't see why you would go with the sugary variety.

Kids are more and more likely to be obese in modern times, and the junk food we eat is a main reason why. If you're feeding your kids chocolate and candy - at least try to make sure it is the low-sugar or no-sugar variety. The daily choices you make as the food-provider have a serious effect on their entire lifetime!

This is one of my delights and I try to portion them out at moderate points over the year. So I highly recommend them.

I purchased my many boxes of "test material" with my own funds, and with great pleasure :)

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