Going Beyond List Building

Going Beyond List Building
Going beyond list building is about recognizing subscribers as real people. Sometimes when thinking about build a newsletter list, it's easy to get wrapped up in the 'numbers game'. The numbers become more important than the people that does the subscribing.

However, there are times when going beyond list building could offer a new and better options for approaching this critical task.

List Building refers to the collecting of email addresses for the purpose building a subscriber's list for your ezine or newsletter. Many of you are already aware of how important your subscriber's list is to the success of your newsletters or ezines. But for those that are just starting out, from scratch, you may not be aware of what building a subscribers list entails.

List building is about adding new subscribers and emails to your newsletter list on a consistent basis. Your subscribers are the mainstay of your ezine or newsletter. They determine whether or not your newsletter or ezine becomes or remain popular within your industry or niche for which it is published.

Subscribers are people who are truly interested in the same things you are. They are interested in the topic or niche for which you publish your newsletter. Not only are they interested in your topic or niche, they also value your opinion, knowledge and insight. They are most appreciative for what you are offering them through your correspondence and relationship with them.

Your subscribers are the one's who 'willingly reads' your newsletter or ezine when they receive them. They look forward to receiving and reading them for all they're worth. They are excited to see what's new and what morsels of information, insights or tips you have to offer them with each issue.

So, when it comes to list building, while being concerned with the number of subscribers you have, you must not forget that these are real people with real lives and real interests. Their time is valuable, and if they subscribe to your newsletter or email then they are saying that they value you too as a person. You are also valuable to them and their quality of life.

Just remember, when thinking about ways of gaining new subscribers or building your list, don't address the number or email address, but the person. Your subscribers want to know they are more than a just a number with an email address. They want to know they matter to you and that you really do care about them.

So when going beyond list building be sure to keep 'the person' of your audience in mind. Think about their taste, interest and possibly their personalities. When people subscribe to newsletters it is saying something about them. It exposes, in some ways, their deeper expectations and desires in life. It says some thing about what they like and prefer. Newsletters can help you read your subscribers if you remain conscience of them being real people.

**Be sure to subscribe to the free Ezines and Newsletters newsletter.**

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This content was written by Grace D. Dooley. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Grace D. Dooley for details.