Jennifer Scott and Own the Zone

Jennifer Scott and Own the Zone
I did order the CD Own the Zone and was eager to listen to see how one can find your Zone while playing golf on a daily basis. Check out my previous article "Being in the Zone and How to Get There" where I explain that information about this CD was sent to me in my Golf email. It intrigued me as I have had the experience of playing great golf while in the Zone as we golfers call it. While being in this state on the golf course your mind goes into automatic and everything comes up pars and birdies.

I do understand that this happens on rare occasions so I thought this CD would give me some tips on how to put oneself into hypnotic state and play great golf. The PR on the web site made it sound so inviting, that I had to try it. It states in bold letters on the CD that “Mindpower Makes Miracles” so I was ready to hear all the valuable information to lead me to making my own Zone on the golf course.

The day the CD came I popped it into my computer and was amazed to hear the first words, “Do not listen to this CD while driving a car”. Well I made myself comfortable in my computer chair and got ready to be informed. There are two CD’s and is the product of Jennifer Scott a Hypnotherapist and with the CD #1 her voice comes on explaining how the mind and brain work together on the golf course. I thought fine that makes sense but then the CD goes on for 26 minutes on how to create instant physical relaxation. The voice of Ms. Scott lowers as she explains how to relax explaining how to take deep breaths and say to yourself as you exhale – Peace, Harmony, Relax, Relax. Her voice goes even softer and my speakers on the computer are not all that great and had to keep turning up the volume to hear what she is saying. That session did not go too well so decided to wait until evening and run the CD through my TV for better volume and use a comfortable recliner.

That evening I tried again to go through CD #1 and when I reached the soothing voice of Ms Scott with the deep breathing and repeated words the next thing I knew the CD was over. I had fallen asleep. Now I thought this is not working I will have to do this in the morning while I am wide awake. So one morning when I was not playing golf I tried again but this time used CD #2 and it talks about positive attitude, making it automatic and putting it all together with self-hypnosis and visualization. This all made sense and then Ms. Scott goes on for 23 minutes called golfing journey “In the Zone”. Again her voice goes softer and softer with the deep breathing and repeated words. Sorry to say I fell asleep again as I was put in the zone for sure, but in never never land.

I have tried to put this deep breathing exercise while I was playing golf but found I was thinking too much on saying the words that the golf swing went south on me. I decided to put everything out of my mind and tried to go automatic and this was fine. I will have my good days and bad days as before. I have not been able to make it through both CD’s without falling asleep. I have started to use this method to help me fall asleep at night, works great.

I must be an easy target for hypnosis and am still in hopes that I will reach the Zone on the golf course one of these days. I am a believer in Mind Power and eventually will make those miracle shots on the golf course.

Adding an update to this review, something must be working as today 7/8/06 I shot an 87 with two birdies and should have been three as the putt ended one inch away. Along with my Speed Stik work out and the Own the Zone my game is coming together. Maybe I will shoot my age soon, that would be 81.

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Own the Zone

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