White Stone Meditation

White Stone Meditation
“Behold I make all things new.” ~ Revelations 21:5

During the time of the Roman Empire, when a prisoner was released from prison, he was given a white stone. This was a symbol that he had a fresh start, a clean slate. When you had a white stone you left your past stories behind you and started a new one.

Unity Churches often celebrate the first Sunday of the New Year with a White Stone Ceremony. The ceremony is a brief meditation where you allow your higher self to give you a name for the new year. This name represents what you wish to heal and accomplish throughout the year.

“Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To everyone who conquers {who overcomes} I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give a white stone, and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.” ~ Revelations 2:17

Names are important, and every name has a symbolic meaning. To receive a new name means you have to be willing to release and heal {conquer} the fears and limitations that have held you back; to face your challenges rather than letting them overcome you, and step forward with faith into the opportunities that Spirit has placed before you.

Ready to receive your name for the new year? You don’t have to have a white stone, though it can be a nice reminder, and you don’t even have to do this during any particular time of the year, though starting fresh seems to be on our minds at the beginning of the year. You may also like to do this ceremony on your birthday, after a marriage or divorce, or after any other major life change.

When you are ready to start fresh, and wipe the slate clean, ask yourself these questions:

What is the personal prison I have claimed as my own?
What am I willing to release?
What limitations have I claimed as my own?

Our personal prisons come from our personal stories; stories we’ve told ourselves throughout our lives that may, or may not, even be true.

I was abused as a child, so I’ll never be whole or healed.
I was never very smart, so I’ll never get into a good college.
I come from a divorced family, so I never got the family life I deserved.
I didn’t know my father, so I never got the love I deserved.
I didn’t get the chance to go to college, so I’ll never get a good job.

Remember, to receive your new name you need to be willing to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way.

If you are ready to do this, then try this simple meditation:

Sit and let your body gently relax, all stress and tension slips away, as you allow yourself to be filled with the light of Spirit.

Affirm to yourself that you are made in the image of God, and that God intends for you only good.

Affirm to yourself gently “I am free, I am unlimited. I am open to the possibilities that Spirit lays before me, and I face any challenges with enthusiasm and faith, knowing that I move forward on the path that God intended for me.”

“I allow myself to release any fears and limitations that have previously held me prisoner; I release any negative beliefs about how to live my life and what I am capable of.”

Imagine yourself stepping out of a prison; you are now filled with Light, Joy and Enthusiasm. Feel that you are now free to express your highest self, and live your highest good. Imagine your white stone, and know that Spirit is now going to give you your new name for the coming year.

Let yourself relax, and let the name gently come to you; the name that affirms all you’ll accomplish in the coming year, and all that you are meant to be and express.

When you are ready, open your eyes, and write your new Spirit name on your white stone.

Some things to keep in mind while doing your own white stone meditation:
Don’t let your ego get in the way. There are enough Epona Raven Rhiannon Astra Star Light Wolfs out there already. Let yourself receive your authentic spirit name.

Sometimes the significance of your new name may not make sense right away. A friend of mind received the name “Daisy” and was at first a bit disappointed. Then she later discovered that the daisy represents purity, innocence and love, and they are associated with St. John. This name turned out to be very meaningful to her.

Brightest blessings and joy to you as you move forward, with your new Spirit name, into a life of enthusiasm, love and authenticity.

Need a little help with the meditation? Listen to Deanna read it here for you!

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