Reincarnation and Spirituality

Reincarnation and Spirituality
Reincarnation is believed to be the recurrence of a spiritual being taking on human form to have physical life experiences. Going through a lifetime as a physical being provides a period of learning, and these lessons are important for the evolvement of the soul. One will reincarnate in order to continue this growth and master the skills necessary to achieve total consciousness of all that is. This process takes several human lifetimes, and it is through this process that we can realize the full magnitude of who we truly are.

It is not unusual to find validation of such a process. Through channeling such as hypnotism, meditation, and even working with a medium, people can remember parts of their various past lives. Often these experiences can provide clarity and purpose to their current life, especially since often there are links between happenings and thoughts between the past and their present lives. Some people are so deeply intuitive that they can remember some of these past events on their own, even without hypnosis or meditation.

Each lifetime is a spiritual agreement, or what spiritual author Caroline Myss calls the “spiritual contract”. Before each human lifetime occurs we have chosen the personality traits and events we want to experience in the physical world. We choose a path that will coincide with the lessons we want to learn and master. Both the achievements and the challenges we will face will provide knowledge necessary for growth. If we fight against our own truths and betray our selves in any way, we are deviating from our chosen path and may need to repeat some of the same lessons in the next lifetime.

Spiritual development consists of various levels to reach maturity, which range from simple survival techniques to levels of self accomplishment. At some point there will be a focus on individuality and self expression. With each physical lifetime there is a progression towards the valuing and building of relationships, the increase of inner attunement and peace, and the achievement of wisdom which can lead to the teaching of others. This concept can be explored in much more detail in the writings of hypnotist Michael Newton and also in the Michael Teachings as expressed in the book “Messages from Michael” by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.

It is common for souls to come together in several lifetimes, and even act in different capacities. This explains the feeling of familiarity one experiences with another person, like you have known each other forever even if you have just met. I’d like to share an experience I had when I met my boyfriend who has since passed on to the spirit realm. When he and I first met I sensed a golden aura around him and felt completely connected to him. During a car ride together soon after we met I had a sudden feeling of comfort, like we had been together for years. After he passed on I sat with a medium who channeled his soul so we could communicate. He said that he and I had been together during several lifetimes. Some time later I had a dream that he was an infant in my arms. In my dream I knew it was him, and I felt very maternal and full of love. That was a very unusual dream, because in this lifetime I have no desire to bear children. It is possible that in one of my past lives he was my child, and hence the instant bond I felt towards him in this lifetime.

Reincarnation is the soul’s way of having experiences that will further growth and self awareness, as well as the connection between others and the Divine. The world we are born in is a learning place, much like a classroom, where we gather information, deal with challenges, and also try out new things. It is through these experiences from our many short lives that we find our purpose for being.

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