Murder Mystery and VooDoo Games

Murder Mystery and VooDoo Games
I have had several requests for the Murder Mystery game from lady golfers to use for their tournaments. I have posted this before as I used the Murder Mystery game for my ladies but this game was created by Paulette Firestone of New York. She and her friends are writing a book and I hope soon to be published with many of their creative ideas of golf games. I adapted my game from information from Paulette so create your own Murder Mystery game it is fun thinking up clues.

Here is what I came up with for my Murder Mystery Game. I chose to have murdered two of our Pro’s, I wrote up 18 clues and put them into an envelope and placed them on each of our 18 holes. I attached them to the side of the green with a golf tee. As each group of four players came through and if any of their group had a par they could open the envelope and read the clue. They replaced the envelope for the next group and the final group picked up all envelopes so as not to have to chase them down after the game.

My clues were fairly simple at first and became more complex as they played on. First you can describe the murder scene, list what clues were left at the scene, you can relate witnesses, and you can tell about analysis of the clues left. These are all just suggestions as you have your committee work on these clues can be a fun project. You have to remember to have your victims and killer well know in your community or golf club.

I had our Pro’s slumped over in their chairs at work. Half eaten food was on their desk, there was easy access to both men, it was known that they were addicted to Chocolate, food was thought to be the culprit, players were known to bring treats to the club house, a witness saw a red golf cart in the area recently, it was believed the killer was a member of the club. These are some of the clues, start simple at first and give better clues later on. The golfers after reading all clues had to discover who was the killer and how it was done. I did not have them say why it was done but that could be part of your clues.

I used myself as the killer and used laced Chocolate Truffles as the culprit. One team did figure out who it was and how it was done. They enjoyed the day as I had them over to my home for a mystery luncheon. If you are doing this for a large tournament you may come up with your own way of putting up the clues. Make it simple and make it fun and you should have a good time with it.

I hope Paulette and her friends finish their book soon as they had some creative ideas about games and they have a large membership at their club. Paulette said she will let me know when it is published so I can alert everyone. She also had a monopoly game that she said was very detailed and that sounds like a good game too. I prepared a VooDoo Game for Friday the thirteenth next week. I used my gals birthdays, street addresses etc. to come up with the numerology numbers for 9 holes of our 18 and those nine holes were the only ones counted for their game deducting half their handicap to find the winners.

On the rules sheet I typed up the horoscope for each player, I had a good time preparing these as it portrayed each player’s personality. After playing our round I will have some of them read their horoscope to all as that should create some fun. I also will have them find their lucky number by reducing down the numbers in their birthday by month, day and year. By adding up the numbers and keep reducing the totals you will come up with a single digit number from 1-9 and that will be your lucky number. Using this example as Dec. 8 1949 = 12+8+1+9+4+9 =43 = 4+3 = 7 that is your lucky number. Always fun to create something different to add a little spice to your golf game.

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