An Old Project Renewed!

An Old Project Renewed!
Last Year about this time we were working on a project for our Mill Creek Golf Club of updating out golf hole markers with plantings. I organized a group of members who were interesting in working together to find the rights plants that would be deer friendly grow in hot weather and last through the winter time. All was going along just fine and we were hit with a tornado followed by a flood one early morning in May last year and the project had to be cancelled.

This spring I got the urge to try again, but using a different format I decided to plant three of the markers so people could see how it would improve our golf course. I received permission from Ralph Harris our Director of Golf to renew this project and he suggested I contacted Gary Guilloz our Golf Course Manager to see if he could plant them in the three markers I had picked. Gary was very cooperative and was glad to hear we were going to renew this project.

I visited Elkins Nursery in a neighboring city that is a Mother/Daughter operation I had used before. Elkins is a small nursery but they give you excellent help and their plants are always hearty and healthy. After viewing the variety of bushes they had available I chose a bush called the Heavenly Bamboo which is in the Nandina plant family and is very deer friendly which means the deer should leave it alone. Of course they always say if the deer are hungry enough will eat anything. I was willing to give them a try.

I purchased nine of these plants with the idea of three on each marker area as these bushes would be planted behind the granite marker. They grow up to six feet and can spread to four feet, but Gary said they can be trimmed to keep a good shape. He picked up all the plants I purchased and then suggested that I should use Asian Jasmine for the ground cover as it grows very dense and will keep out the weeds also makes a nice dark green cover in front and sides of the marker.

I called Elkins to see if they had the Asian Jasmine and she told me she had two flats so said I would be there to pick them up. She had forty five plants in these two flats so bought them all. She suggested planting them twelve inches apart or if you want a dense cover could plant them closer. Gary and his crew planted them and told me it took 15 plants for each of the three plots.

They are all planted now and with the last two days of rain should give them a good start. I have contacted members who were interested in this project last year to see if they wanted to sponsor a golf marker. I had figured out the cost at $50.00 each per marker area. I already have received replies as they are interested in being a sponsor. I also will put up a poster on our bulletin board to see if any other members want to become part of this project.

I need the Ladies Golf Association to work with me again this year. I have permission to approach our board of directors and will present the full project to them as to how it will be handled financially. I will offer myself as managing this project and keep the financial records plus present these to the board. Our next board meeting is May 6 so will find out then but will continue personally with those who have already made their commitment to sponsor plantings on marker of their choice. Sometimes a person just has to take the initiative if you want to get a project started so I did it my way. At least these three marker area will be growing and creating a welcome sight on our golf course.

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