Pets and Spirituality

Pets and Spirituality
Many of us have pets or have had them in our lives at one time or another. Pets of all kinds keep us company and teach us a lot about ourselves. From the fuzzy rabbit to the colorful fish, to the sweet and loyal dog, pets provide us with spiritual support in ways we may not even realize.

Pets are very special creatures who may often seem to be a lot like us, but they do not have an ego that gets in the way of their affection. They live in the moment. They love and admire us unconditionally, while depending on us completely for care. As much as we enjoy their company, many animals seem to also enjoy ours, even forming bonds with us that are strong and deep. Touching a warm and sentient being is a soothing experience for us.

Dogs and cats are especially sensitive to our presence and moods. Even horses know when we are having a bad day. Animals use their sixth sense more so than a lot of us do, and they can feel what we are feeling. Have you ever noticed how your dog will come to sit by you when you are feeling sad or depressed, or may walk away if you are angry? Animals sense our energy and respond in kind to it. It is because of their sensitivity that we are so drawn to them, making pets our best friends and part of the family. It is no wonder that we are often quite devastated when a beloved pet dies.

Animals great and small make wonderful pets. Interacting with the majestic horse can be a transcending experience as we work together with their free and willing spirit. They have a grace and presence that is awe inspiring. The faithful dog is forever our strongest supporter, wanting to be at our side as much as possible. The independent cat will often come over to snuggle. Fluffy animals like rabbits and guinea pigs are sweet and gentle who soak in the attention we give them, which in turn makes us feel good, too. Hearing a canary sing can bring joy to a troubled heart. Watching brightly colored fish swimming around in a tank is relaxing to our mind and body.

Pets provide us with companionship on a level we don’t have with other human beings. They can help us heal from emotional and physical wounds by bringing us comfort in both a tangible and spiritual way. Spending time with our animals will increase our longevity and will improve our health by lowering our blood pressure and easing stress. They teach us every day about selflessness, patience, and kindness. Our pets are true gifts from the Divine, treasured friends who want nothing more than to please us. They are deliverers of positive energy and love that touches our spirit like nothing else can.

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