How to Handle Flea, Tick, and Lice Issues

How to Handle Flea, Tick, and Lice Issues
America is a pharmaceutical mecca. The business philosophy is that natural solutions are folklore, while lab-constructed methods are the real deal. Advertisers spin their information to encourage people to overlook the side effects of these products, of which many list death as a byproduct of use.

The misconception that chemical use is "safe" around people transposes onto the attitude towards animal care, even though severe reactions and death are common occurrences from such exposure. Some of the more concerning products involve flea and tick control methods. An outbreak in shelters, farms, or homes with multiple pets can get quickly out of control and turn into a dangerous infestation. Many believe that the risk of chemical exposure is to the benefit of the population, as a whole. However, there is a natural means for controlling pest issues without exposing people and furry animals to unnecessary health risks.

To safely control and exterminate fleas and ticks use food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE). This option allows people who work or live with animals to provide responsible care, in a natural way, for half the cost of chemical treatments. This powerful pest controller is compliments of the planet Earth. DE is the natural byproduct of fossilized hard-shelled algae and it is detrimental to insects with an exoskeleton, such as fleas, ticks, and even lice. In the simplest terms, DE is a hyperactive dehydrator that kills off pests just as readily as a chemical treatment without the worry of toxic exposure.

To eradicate pests safely, purchase Food/Natural Grade DE and avoid Pool Grade DE. The reason to pay attention to this distinction is that Pool Grade DE is chemically altered to treat pool water, and therefore has toxic components. To find Food/Natural Grade DE, either locate a local feed store that sells bulk bags, or ask a local garden center if they carry food grade DE.

Animal Application Method:

Thoroughly apply the powder to the animal's coat. Pay attention to crease and fold areas of their skin and ears, as pests prefer these regions. Leave the powder on for 24 hours, then rinse and repeat as necessary. Depending on the level of the outbreak, it can take from 24 hours up to a week for a heavy infestation. The average range is between 24 to 48 hours.

DE is also a responsible preventative measure towards pest infestations, as it eradicates eggs and larvae. Therefore, there does not need to be an outbreak for it to be effective. Lightly sprinkle onto the animal's fur and gently rub. It can be applied to either wet or dry fur. It is best to avoid eye contact, as it may cause mild irritation. A damp towel over the eyes while powdering prevents this issue. However, if some manages to get into the eyes gently rinse with water or eye solution.

Flea Infestation in a Dwelling:

Fleas on animals typically results in a dwelling infestation. Fleas gravitate towards such items as pillows, stuffed animals, beds, linens, carpet, furniture, dog beds, and cat condos. Essentially, anything that breathes. To rid the dwelling of the infestation, rub DE powder into items and do not wash or vacuum until the animals are free of pests. Items, such as stuffed animals, should be placed into a tied trash bag after they are powdered. This is essentially an organic version of bug bombing a dwelling without the associated hazards of chemical bug bombs to people or animals.

Lice Treatment Method:

Thoroughly apply DE powder to scalp area and let it sit overnight. Place a wet towel over the eyes to avoid irritation. If DE does get into the eye, simply rinse away with water or eye solution. Every person exposed to lice, whether they have an itchy scalp or not, should apply DE to their heads. To prevent a lice outbreak in a dwelling, approach treatment in the exact same manner as handling a flea infestation.

Manage Pest Infestation in Yard:

DE is safe for use around plants. Dampen the target area for better adhesion and sprinkle it around. This effectively controls any aggressive insect population with an exoskeleton, like ants, termites, and roaches. To prevent re-occurrence, reapply after a heavy rain or windstorm.

Purchase cost effective Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (10 Lb) today!

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