Beer Newsletter

Beer and Brewing

March 3 2013 Beer and Brewing Newsletter

Here are the latest articles from the Beer and Brewing site at

Craft Beer in Cans Hits the Tipping Point
When Jim Koch, founder of Boston Beer Company, wrote the Beer Drinker’s Bill of Rights in July, 2005, his crystal ball wasn’t made by the Ball Corporation.

The Dark Side of Karen Eland
Karen Eland of Bend, Oregon has expanded the culture of beer in ways unlike any other. Think: Michelangelo and DaVinci, Vermeer, Picasso or Van Gogh.

Is There Romance in the Brewer's Beard?
I find it disconcerting that Garrett Oliver, in his comprehensive encyclopedia, The Oxford Companion to Beer, did not have an entry for “Brewer’s Beard.”

Beer Trivia for the Light-Headed Drinker
A little loosening of the mind is good for you. Research scientists have found that creativity and innovation are greatest during times of relaxation, so little fun facts may lead to success in other areas.

Man's Discovery of Nature's Secret Drink
Early man was on constant alert, struggling in a hostile world. Fermented beverages changed his perception. They allowed him to relax.

Waking the Beer Gods
Beer gods have been on high alert since the beginning of social humanity. How offended must they be by modern-day religions that ignore their very existence?

Kopi Luwak in the Brew Kettle
If a brewer uses Kopi Luwak in his coffee stout, is he creating a luxury product or one that celebrates environmental stewardship? Some would be grossed-out at the thought of drinking a beer that was partially fermented through an organic process.

Caves, Catacombs & Beer Cellars
This secret world of caves and cellars seems to be shrouded in mystery, a throwback to ancient times when catacombs wound furtively underground throughout the European continent.

Yards Love Stout - The Velvet Torpedo
When the Beatles sang All You Need Is Love, they must have had a premonition about Yards Love Stout. Utterly soft and creamy in the mouth, it is a velvet torpedo,the ultimate example of the oyster stout style.

A Dozen Ingredients Used in Extreme Brewing
If you homebrew, you may be quite happy brewing “normal beer” with extracts. At some point, you may want to break away from normal, and dabble in the experimental.

From the Beer Fox Archives:

Giving Up Beer for Lent ?
For many, spring marks the season of sacrifice Ea time when devout Christians make a vow to give up a special indulgence for Lent. Often, that indulgence is beer.

Beer Fox Tip of the Week

Watch for pot boilovers when brewing. As wort boils, a foam starts to rise and eventually forms a surface that is even and smooth. This is due to the coagulation of proteins in the wort – and is a good thing. But watch it carefully, because boilovers are messy. If it looks like it’s close to that all-dramatic spill, either lower the heat or keep a spray bottle of water handy and spray the surface for an instant cool down.

Beer Fox Laugh of the Week

A man in a Porsche 911 stops at a stoplight and a guy on a scooter pulls up next to him. The guy on the scooter leans over and takes an admiring look at the inside of the Porsche and tells the driver that he has a really hot car.

Well, the light turned green so the driver of the Porsche decides to show off and peels out and leaves the guy on the scooter in the dust. Then, all of a sudden, he sees the scooter zip past him. So, being a little cocky, the Porsche driver floors it again and blows past the guy on the scooter.

A few seconds later, he again sees the scooter zip on past him. So now he's a little irate as well as a little miffed that that scooter keeps passing him so he floors it until he is going over 100 mph. He thinks to himself that there would be no way that scooter could catch him now, but then looks in the rearview mirror and sees that scooter starting to catch up.

He then decides to find out what that scooter really is and slams on his brakes. Then the scooter crashes into the Porsche.

After the dust settled, the Porsche driver sees the scooter driver lying in the road and goes over to him and asked how he could go as fast as the Porsche on a little wimpy scooter.

The injured man replied, "I can't really, but my suspenders were caught on your side mirror!"

Beer News:

Warren Monteiro, a New York City freelance writer, beer traveler, homebrewer and Beer Sensei columnist for Ale Street News, won the 2013 Beerdrinker of the Year title at Wynkoop Brewing Company in Denver, Colorado on February 23, 2013. Battling face-to-face against Montiero for the championship were Kevin Cox of Muncie Indiana and Jen Schwertman of New York City. Monteiro, a three-time finalist for the title, recounted how a friend had described him as “the Susan Lucci of beer” for his ability to make the Beerdrinker of the Year finals but not win the coveted title. Victory tastes mighty sweet for him now.

Congratulations to 2013 BDOTY, Warren Montiero!

Beer Fests and Events:

AHA Craft Brewers Conference – June 27-29, 2013, The majority of official conference activities take place in the host hotel, the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For details:

Craft Beer of the Week Awards

Green Flash Palate Wrecker – Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego, California USA - Imperial IPA – 9.5% ABV

A brilliant copper body, like it was freshly buffed and polished, hides demurely beneath a thick frothy head of eggshell white, emitting aromas of the tropics mixed with citrus and pine needles. Light florals dance in the air, with wisps of mint. Full bodied malt serves the role as a substantial foundation, and drenches the palate with dryness. Beautiful all-around!


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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Carolyn Smagalski, Beer and Brewing Editor

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