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Platinum Dunes production company re-makes
Looking at the movie production company 'Platinum Dunes' who are making re-make after re-make. Their new victims? Classic horror thrillers - 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Friday the 13th,' 'The Birds,' and 'Rosemary's Baby.' Any true horror fan wll be disgusted by this company.
If you are against the re-make of the classic horror 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (which also won't be starring Robert Englund as Fred Kruger) then you can sign this petition against it or write a letter to New Line Cinema, voicing your opinions here
It is a sad time for horror fans, when classic horror's are being tainted by these terrible re-makes. This age will not have their own villains and original horror movies, just bad re-makes of classics. It's time they were stopped, by either boycotting them, or writing to the studios and demanding fresh and original stories.
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