englishgarden Newsletter
November 27 2006 English Garden Newsletter
Welcome to the English Garden Newsletter
Thinking of new ways you can add a touch of English Garden magic to your garden?
If you would like to add some flowers and climbers in a small space then here is a design that will brighten up the outside of your home
entrance that does not get much direct sunlight – and add scent and colour to your life.
English Gardeners love foliage as much as flowers, here is a plant that looks touched with magic as after a heavy dew or rain, drops of sparkling water just hang on its leaves!
Lady’s mantle is a very easy English garden perennial to grow and has lovely delicate lemon yellow flowers in the summer and will grow in shade or sun.
For shade loving plant try Solomon’s Seal or David’s Harp
It is a lovely graceful English Garden plant which has pairs of lightly scented white bell flowers, edged with green, hung on long arching stems.
How can you get plants for free – easy when you know how.
Have a read through my tips on how to get started on an English Garden
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art37456.asp without spending much cash!
Here are some English Garden tips for the cold weather
Remember to raise all your pots and containers off the ground so that they are able to let the rain to drain away. Nothing kills plants faster then being waterlogged.
Don’t cut down all your perennials – leave them until the spring because plants such as teasels and sedums look lovely after a sharp frost or sprinkling of snow and the old growth helps to protect the plant from the cold.
As long as there is no frost you can plant pot grown evergreens in your garden.
Remember please - never walk on your lawn if there is a heavy frost on it as this kills the little blades of grass.
There is still time if you haven’t already done it to pot up chives and parsley so they can come inside and provide you with fresh herbs all winter.
For details on how to send a free English Garden postcard
Here's the latest article from the English Garden site at BellaOnline.com.
English Gardening Tips
Simple tips to enhance an English Garden and get rid of pests.
Please visit englishgarden.bellaonline.com for even more great content about English Garden.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about English Garden located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Hellie T., English Garden Editor
One of hundreds of sites at BellaOnline.com
Enjoy your garden!
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