Seniors and Volunteering

Seniors and Volunteering
What are you doing today? Did you know that you can change the world one day at a time? We can all make a difference by volunteering.

Seniors have the time, the knowledge and the experience to make a big contribution to the world community. Even those of us who can’t get around as well as we used to can still volunteer, to help change the world.

If you can get out and about, there are so many local organizations just begging for help. That doesn’t mean just monetary contributions. They need volunteers. Some of the groups you might want to check out are children’s charities, food banks, Meals on Wheels, United Way and the Red Cross. Hospitals are exceptional places to volunteer. They depend on senior volunteers to staff their information desks, gift shops, book carts and much more. These are just a few of the ways you can contribute to your community and its neediest members. All you have to do is make some phone calls and ask around. You’ll be surprised how many openings there are for senior volunteers.

If you’re retired and really missing work, check out the organizations that place experienced seniors with start up businesses. Some help staff business incubators that support entrepreneurial endeavors. This type of volunteering may be just what you’re looking for to give you a reason to get up and get out every day.

The buzz today is all about working from home or telecommuting. Did you know that you can actually volunteer from home? So even those who can’t get out to volunteer, can actually make a difference right from their living rooms. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

One of the organizations that matches senior volunteers from home is the United Nations through “UNV Online Volunteering,” administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP.) Seniors can volunteer with UNVolunteers on their website, Jobs range from writing and editing to consulting to advocating for human rights. Volunteers with this program support projects and groups around the globe.

As with any new association, you will want to carefully check that the group you are thinking to volunteer with is a legitimate organization, doing good honest work. If you are not familiar with a group, get references and check them out. Remember, you don’t have to make a financial contribution to make a difference. Just be wise and be careful.

There is so much to be done. Seniors are very much needed. You really can help change the world one day at a time. And you just may change your own life in the process.

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