The Samaritan Woman Speaks

The Samaritan Woman Speaks
The sun was high and it was so hot as I lugged that water jar to the well. It was going to be a lot heavier when it was full. I would be easier go early in the morning or the cool of the evening with everyone else but I don't want to run into those gossipy women from town. They rarely speak to me, just whisper to each other so I can't hear.

Today, when I reached the well, there was a stranger sitting near it. I wondered what was he doing there. He was Jewish. What was he even doing in Samaria? Was he lost? The Jews won't set foot in our land. They are too good to associate with us or even speak to us. They call us unclean half-breeds and say our religion is wrong. I tried to ignore him and go about my business. Then I realized he was saying something. Why would he ask me for a drink? Why would he, a holier-than-thou Jew, want water from me, an unclean Samaritan woman?

I thought he was talking in riddles. He said that he could give me living water if I asked. He didn't even have anything to draw water with. What did he mean that with his water, I wouldn't get thirsty again. I could use that water. It would save me this chore everyday. Then he told me to go get my husband.

Go get my husband? I don't have one, just my boyfriend. How does this stranger know my past? Okay! Yes, I've had five husbands. I was so young when I married Elrad. He was not a good man; I couldn't stay with him. Reuben made me feel special and safe - for a while. Then I was sure that Phineas was the one who would love me but he found someone else. I was so lonely when I met Shem. Yes, you are right, I'm living with a man who is not my husband. I've given up finding a husband, just a roof over my head and someone to fill the emptiness. Everyone knows that I'm not worthy of a good man. Those are reserved for the women who are pure. Whoa. All that stuff was running through my head making me feel like dirt and this Jew was just looking at me.

Strange, I didn't see accusation in his eyes, even though he seemed to know all about me. I saw only kindness and compassion. It's true. I don't think anyone ever looked at me in that way before. It came to me that he must be a prophet. I thought I would change the conversation away from my sorry life and to something important. I said, "Tell me about the right place to worship. My ancestors worshiped here, on this mountain but the Jews say we should go to Jerusalem to worship."

This man was no ordinary Jew. He said that it doesn't matter about the place - that true worshippers worship in spirit and truth. I told him that I knew about the Messiah and that when he comes, he will explain everything to us.

This man told me that he is the Messiah. That stopped me. The image of a spring of water welling up to eternal life came to my mind. I felt better inside - freer, newer, even worth something. I'll have to think over what he said - worship in spirit and in truth. The Messiah. Could he be the One?

The next thing I knew, I was running back to town and telling everyone I saw about this man, this prophet. The Messiah?

Read about this woman in the Bible, in the book of John, chapter 4.

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