The Writer's Space

The Writer's Space
If your desire is to write a novel, non-fiction, poetry or any other form of writing it’s essential that you set yourself up for success. There are some steps that you can take that will greatly improve your chances and help make writing a happy and hopefully profitable habit.

Writing skills can be cultivated and honed but it takes time, effort and patience. The payoff is well worth the effort and whatever reasonable sacrifices you have to make.

Writing consistently as much as you can, according to the schedule you create is the key. Life happens and writing will have to be put aside. When that happens get back to your schedule and start writing again as soon as you can.


Creating the right atmosphere for writing is essential. Designing a comfortable place, having a specific time to write and making writing a priority will help create the right frame of mind for writing.

The first thing to consider is a comfortable place to write.
Any unused space; a corner of a room, an unused bedroom, basement or almost any vacant space can be re-purposed into a writer’s den. Make the chosen location as comfortable as possible and arrange your supplies for quick and easy access.

Next, determine what you need. A computer, paper, printer, pens and pencils are the basics you need to start. A stapler, staple puller and sticky notes are other helpful things to have on hand.

If it helps, make a list of what you need to make sure you have all your supplies before you get started. But keep it simple. You may already have most or all of what you need, so take stock and save money.

Lighting is a very important consideration when creating your writer’s space. Make sure to choose comfortable lighting. The lighting should be easy on the eyes and also help set the mood for the type of writing being done.

Mood music

The right music is another ingredient that can help get you into the writing zone. Playing your favorite music, YouTube or your favorite internet radio station in the background works well for this. Whether you prefer instrumental music, oldies or peace and quiet it’s all about what motivates you to write.

Crush writer’s block

The dreaded blank page, you sit down to write and draw a blank. The harder you try, the worse it gets. But there’s help. Journaling, researching and relaxing are a few of the many ways to get the words flowing again.

Journals whether hardback, spiral notebook or on computer are a great way to nurture the writing habit. A journal gets your mind focused on the task ahead. Writing in a journal can also be used as a prompt before a writing session to help get the creative juices going.

When you write in a journal or otherwise, shut down your internal editor. Get the ideas out. You can correct your work later, if you want or need to. If you don’t shut your editor down it will shut you down and your ideas will dry up.

Research article databases, they’re a rich source of information chalk full of ideas. But they can turn into a distraction. Impose a time limit and stick with it. When your time is up, stop and get back to the business of writing.

Take short, regular 10-15 minute breaks about every 45 minutes. They will help clear and refresh your mind. Go outside, stretch or enjoy your favorite beverage. The time away from your computer will help you recharge.

If you have a laptop change out your atmosphere. A change of scenery like a coffee shop, a library or a spot under a tree can help spark your imagination. It will also help you to not feel so isolated which can happen when you write a lot.

Your brain can be conditioned to write. Creating your writer’s space, music (or quiet) and using writer’s block busting techniques and will help. But most important of all...Just write!

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This content was written by Jana Taylor. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Jana Taylor for details.