Resolutions for the New Year

Resolutions for the New Year
Many people love to make resolutions for the new year, but statistically most people fall short on the follow through. So resolutions that are started with great anticipation in January are forgotten by mid-February.

There are many reasons people give up on their resolutions. Some people just forget, or lose momentum. Or maybe their goal was so big, they felt overwhelmed and could never get started. And as I looked back over the years at my own failed attempts to manifest a resolution, I decided I didn’t need to change my goals, I just needed to change my approach!

But before I talk more about resolutions, let’s talk about what they actually are.

A resolution is the answer to a problem; a solution.

So New Year’s Resolution then should be the answer, or what it would take, to solve a problem in your life.

Now we can get started!! I recommend first to get yourself a really great notebook, or journal. Personally, I’ve started using a word processing program to keep track of my yearly goals, just because I add, and change a lot!

Get clear on your priorities.
Priorities are different than goals. Priorities are the most important things in your life, for example, spending more time with the family, or doing work you love are priorities. Goals are the steps you take to make sure your priorities are expressed.

For example, if spending more time with the family is a priority, the goals to achieve that might look like scheduling game nights, family dinners, movies, and vacations.

So first get clear on your priorities by creating a list of the things that are most important to you.

Now write your goals.
Now that you know your priorities, you can probably see which priorities are not being given the attention they need. Your New Year’s Resolutions should focus on supporting your priorities! For each priority, make a list of goals that will support your priority.

Pay attention to your goals.
The key to making your resolutions work for you is to pay attention to them every day, as it is very likely that your goals will shift, or change on a regular basis. You need to keep updating them, because some things will work, and others will not. The best way to stay motivated is to shift them around when you need to.

Create a spiritual routine.
I have a spiritual routine in place simply because I think it makes goal setting more fun. And, since you are probably a spiritual seeker too, or it’s not very likely you’d be reading this article, you may like to add a spiritual component to your routine too.

Part of my routine is to start my year off with a new vision board. I also make sure I’m clear on my intentions. Then on a weekly (or maybe even daily basis) I use my pendulum to dowse on certain actions I may want to take in regard to certain goals. I may also draw an angel card if I’m feeling stuck on how to proceed forward.

Make it fun.
Above all, make sure the process is fun for you. If it’s not, you will never stick to it, and another year will pass before you know it.

Treat this year as a gift; an opportunity to experience your divinity through the creative expression of accomplishing something that means the world to you.

Join me in the New Age Forums where we’re setting priorities right now!

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This content was written by Deanna Leigh Joseph. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Deanna Leigh Joseph for details.