It's All About the Games

It's All About the Games
This is a review of my book It’s All About the Games published this past August and covers my experiences in golf and sports. It includes stories from my family and friends telling how sports have been part of their life and how it influences one to become a better person. Golf has been part of my life for over 50 years and I am still enjoying the game. This book is about finding a sport that appeals to each of us and working to make our self better. Working hard to improve oneself in sports along with the competition will teach you many things about yourself. Following the rules of the games also applies to life.

My life in sports began early but golf was not part of it. In the 1930-40’s I had never heard about golf as softball, football and baseball were my only interests. Living in a small farm area in Nebraska we loved out Big Red Football and our church had both softball and baseball teams. This is when sports became a big part of my life and enjoyed the competition along with being part of a team.

It wasn’t until after I married, had children and our family moved to Iowa that the word Golf entered our life. My husband Bill was working a territory for a mortgage loan company and in the summer all the people he wanted to contact were on the golf course. He decided he had to learn this game and in 1956 golf became a big part of our life which lasted to this day. After Bill passed away in 2003 we had years of great memories about golf including sports our children and grandchildren were involved in. This book It’s All About the Games is an accumulation of stories from family and friends and their experiences with sports.

The first chapter is all about age as in sports you can start early as my daughter Jody’s story is of a remembered experience of her love of swimming and earning a gold medal. She was swimming a relay race in a state competition of the 7 and 8 year old class in Des Moines, Iowa. She described it best as she is still swimming today and prizes that gold medal. This chapter goes from this early age to retirement age of golfers who are still enjoying the games.

The book is 188 pages filled with stories including many pictures that help tell the story of how the games will keep you involved and healthy for many years. There are many true golf stories that have happened to our family. They included several tournaments, humorous events that happened while playing golf.

The book finishes with a complete chapter on Hole-in-one’s as we have been blessed with a goodly number. This chapter carries stories of how the hole-in-ones happened and who was with us when they occurred. A Hole-in-one is a rare thing to happen in golf but within our immediate family we had twenty along with relatives who have had seven.

One learns to live by the rules of the games and it teaches you that there are rules to live by in your life. It teaches competitive instincts with a goal of improving yourself in whatever you choose to do. Skills learned by playing sports will surely lead to a successful and enjoyable life. It also helps to have a good sense of humor to keep you relaxed and in rare form to enjoy the learning process of any game you prefer. This book It’s All About the Games was published by and is available to purchase on their site also is available on Being involved in golf for so many years has kept me in good health working to improve myself has helped me in so many ways. GET INVOLVED YOUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD!

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This content was written by Letta Meinen. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Sandy Eggers for details.