LDSFamilies Newsletter

LDS Families

June 20 2009 LDS Families Newsletter


Here’s a philosophical brain teaser: Can God make a ball of puppies so big even he can’t escape from it? Yup, you read right; I said BALL OF PUPPIES! It seems that my five-year –old’s slumbers are plagues by “night-mirrors” that feature tan balls of puppies that roll toward him in what is ostensibly a threatening manner. I have not determines if it is several puppies stuck together to create a spherical shape, or some ominous creature, like a two-headed monster, that is composed of several puppy parts and is capable of rolling. Nor have I been able to ascertain just why his subconscious chose the least threatening animal of all to create his nighttime’s nemesis. Who knows? I remember clearly having a series of nightmares when I was his age that featured a green-faced witch (probably derived from my having seen “The Wizard of Oz” just prior to the dreams’ onset). In any event, the other night I was unable to convince him to go to sleep.

I suggested that he try to realize he’s dreaming if the puppies appear again, and turn them into something nice or wake himself up. He responded that he feared the puppies wouldn’t let him wake up. I reminded him of Disney’s version of “Alice in Wonderland,” where she sees herself through the keyhole and wakes herself. He remained unconvinced. I then told him that he could pray to Heavenly Father for help not being frightened. He was very concerned (sweetly so) that if Heavenly Father got involved he, too, would be bowled over by the ominous, and apparently omnipotent, furball. (Hence my query about God being able to defeat his fluffiest and most fearsome creation.) I assured him that all creatures obey God, and He is powerful enough to hold all our fears and make us feel safe again. My baby asked Larry to give him a blessing, then fell asleep on my lap before my husband had even removed his hands from our son’s small head. In the morning, before he even got out of bed, I heard him calling out, “They’re gone! No more balls of puppies! Oh, yeah! Heavenly Father did it!” Let this be a lesson to all of us: Whether He actually can create a terror so scary that even He can’t elude it, He is always capable of relieving us of our balls of puppies and allowing us to rest peacefully, if we will only ask.

SO what else have I been up to? Well, I mentioned in the last couple of newsletters that I’ve ventured into facebook territory. I found myself playing Mafia wars a little too much. (It’s not my fault; my husband MADE me play it!) I realize that a game based on crime and thuggery may not be acceptable. This conflict is borne out by the fact that I actually feel guilty robbing another player’s property, or, heaven forefend, putting a “hit” out on them! At any rate, if any of you would like to be my facebook friend, I’m Jamie Rose, Glendale AZ (or I may have put Luke AFB, AZ), and I used the same profile pic that I use for LDS Families. Just mention that you know me from LDS Families! (I promise I’ll try not to “whack” you, or use an illegal wiretap to learn your secrets.

I’ve also been hemming and hawing, trying to decide to Homeschool or no. My oldest is due to start Kindergarten this fall, and I find myself reluctant to register him. I do not think it is merely sentimentality, not wanting my baby to grow up; certainly I’ve eagerly helped him through every milestone so far, bittersweet as they may be. I haven’t yet determined, though, if it is the Spirit urging me or something else. Truthfully our parenting style is such that homeschooling should not create that much more work. People (including close family members always assume I homeschool anyway. Pretty much the only thing I’ll need to add is record-keeping. I am convinced my kids coul get a better education at home, and yet, it is a big step to choose a path for them that is different from the majority. I’m just not sure yet…Oh well, I have a few weeks left to figure it out. And I’d love to her insight from those of you who do homeschool.


Here are the newest articles from LDS Families at

Last week I ventured away from infant/toddler/Preschool-dom and into the world of adolescence. I addressed the issue of helping our teens remain chaste. Larry thinks I went a little overboard with the elephant metaphor. Ya know, he’s right! That whole first paragraph could be tossed. I just had so much fun with the analogy (which, by the way, really isn’t all that apt!). Really, I could have carried on a lot farther. This article compliments my review of Timothy Carver’s book “That’s Faith!”, which is geared toward helping teens understand and measure their faith. I am always thrilled when I have some material that deals with children who are too big for SpongeBob underpants. Here they are (the articles, not the undies):

Love of the Lord Helps Kids Remain Chaste:

That’s Faith! – Book Review:

This week I covered the topic of Real daddies. I must confess, I had Larry squarely in front of my mind’s eye when I wrote this tribute. Irrespective of what the coffee mugs in your house may claim, I am blessed to have the “World’s Greatest Dad” in my home, caring for my children. So,

Here’s To The Daddies!:


Looking for fun, cheap wall décor for a family room, rumpus room, hallway, or kid’s bedroom? Get some butcher paper, have family members lay down on it with arms and legs in different positions, and trace. Then color the outlines, adding whatever embellishments you like, cut hem out, and affix to the wall to create a fun mural or scene. I got this idea from my sister-in-law. You need surprisingly little talent to make this look cute. (Ooh, that may sound bad—I am not maligning your artistic ability, Margie; I’m referring to my own lack of artistry!)


Uttered earnestly by one of my guys after we had an episode where parents snapped at children and children clotheslined and right hooked one another: “Mommy, we have to pray to Heavenly Father. You made the spirit of Satan come into our house, but if we pray, Heavenly Father will give ‘pieces in our hearts.’”
“Oh,” I replied, “You mean He will give us PEACE in our hearts, right?”
“Yes. He will take pieces of my heart and put it in yours, and pieces of your heart and put it into mine.”

Until we meet again, let us all have “pieces in our hearts” in unending abundance!


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Have fun passing this message along to family and friends; The more who visit and join in the better the site will be!

Jamie Rose, LDS Families Editor

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