Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian readers and Happy Columbus Day to our American readers.
Here's the latest articles from the Literary Fiction site at
* Lauren Grodstein - Author Interview
Lauren has three books published under Goldstein and a young adult novel as Jessie Elliot. Her latest release is A Friend of the Family. Read on to learn more about it and this author's writing habits.
* Miami Book Fair
Its official name is the Miami Book Fair International and it is one of the biggest highlights in November (this year it runs from the 8th to the 15th) for the Miami, Florida area drawing in fine authors, bookies, bookie wannabes and aspiring authors for indoor and outdoor events.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Literary Fiction located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
M. E. Wood, Literary Fiction Editor
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